FlagkitBeautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
Octopuskit2D ECS game engine in 100% Swift + SwiftUI for iOS, macOS, tvOS
Fire🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
Build Openssl CurlScripts to build OpenSSL, HTTP/2 (nghttp2) and cURL (libcurl) for MacOS, iOS and tvOS devices (x86_64, armv7, armv7s, arm64, arm64e). Now Supporting Apple Silicon, OpenSSL 1.1.1 with TLS 1.3 and Mac Catalyst builds.
WwdcYou don't have the time to watch all the WWDC session videos yourself? No problem me and many contributors extracted the gist for you 🥳
Apple Boost BuildscriptScript for building Boost for Apple platforms (iOS, iOS Simulator, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, OS X)
TheanimationType-safe CAAnimation wrapper. It makes preventing to set wrong type values.
Iso8601ISO8601 date parser and writer
CacheSwift caching library
HtmlkitAn Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs.
Animation ExtensionsA set of most commonly used animations like rotation, shake, flip or motion effects. All in one UIView extension.
Licensegenerator IosBuild script that recursively searches for LICENSE files and generates a Settings.bundle friendly plist.
Openssl For IphoneA script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV, MacCatalyst)
L10n SwiftLocalization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
AnydateSwifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
CocoalumberjackA fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
SvprogresshudA clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
Xamarin MaciosBridges the worlds of .NET with the native APIs of macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS.
Bugsnag CocoaBugsnag crash reporting for iOS, macOS and tvOS apps
SgplayerA powerful media play framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
Mapboxstatic.swiftStatic map snapshots with overlays in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
VersionRepresent and compare versions via semantic versioning (SemVer) in Swift
CosmosA star rating control for iOS/tvOS written in Swift
CdmarkdownkitAn extensive Swift framework providing simple and customizable markdown parsing.
Metal TutorialMetal入门资料,涉及到iOS平台,OSX平台,TvOS平台,其中,OSX平台可以直接运行,iOS平台,TvOS平台都需要使用真机设备测试运行。下面是相关博客,欢迎拍砖
MambaMamba is a Swift iOS, tvOS and macOS framework to parse, validate and write HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) data.
ColorColor utilities for macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS
DownBlazing fast Markdown / CommonMark rendering in Swift, built upon cmark.
Player▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
Ducttape📦 KeyPath dynamicMemberLookup based syntax sugar for Swift.
OpencombineOpen source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
AlleyEssential `URLSessionDataTask` micro-wrapper for communication with HTTP(S) web services, with built-in automatic request retries.
IhprogresshudA clean and lightweight progress HUD based on SVProgressHUD, converted to Swift with the help of Swiftify.
Contentful.swiftA delightful Swift interface to Contentful's content delivery API.
SwiftsvgA simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
CloudkitgdprFramework for allowing users to manage data stored in iCloud
Iconic🎨 Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
PersistencekitStore and retrieve Codable objects to various persistence layers, in a couple lines of code!
TrustkitEasy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
SqiftPowerful Swift wrapper for SQLite
Surmagic🚀 The better way to deal with Binary Frameworks on iOS, Mac Catalyst, tvOS, macOS, and watchOS. Create XCFrameworks with ease.
Swiftui KitA SwiftUI system components and interactions demo app
SwiftfortunewheelThe ultimate spinning wheel view that supports dynamic content and rich customization.
Mapboxgeocoder.swiftAddress search and reverse geocoding in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS