All Git Users → sindresorhus

690 open source projects by sindresorhus

501. p-settle
Settle promises concurrently and get their fulfillment value or rejection reason
502. comment-regex
Regular expression for matching JavaScript comments
✭ 26
504. cli-truncate
Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal
505. array-shuffle
Randomize the order of items in an array
506. is-text-path
Check if a file path is a text file
507. latest-version-cli
Get the latest version of an npm package
✭ 48
508. resolve-pkg
Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry point
509. strip-final-newline
Strip the final newline character from a string/buffer
✭ 27
510. cli-boxes
Boxes for use in the terminal
511. xterm-colors
xterm 256 color palette
✭ 27
Interesting stuff I like on the web
✭ 159
513. write-pkg
Write a package.json file
514. convert-hrtime
Convert the result of `process.hrtime()` to seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds
515. is-generator-fn
Check if something is a generator function
516. grunt-debug-files
Debug files run through grunt
✭ 22
517. active-win-cli
Get the title/id/etc of the active window
✭ 44
518. p-reduce
Reduce a list of values using promises into a promise for a value
519. gulp-micro
Ensure your micro-lib stays micro
520. yoctocolors
The smallest and fastest command-line coloring package on the internet. Trust me.
521. icloud-tabs
Get the iCloud tabs for all synced devices (macOS)
✭ 38
522. get-gravatar
Get a Gravatar image from an identifier, such as an email
523. find-up-cli
Find a file by walking up parent directories
✭ 30
524. open-source-mac-os-apps
🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS.
✭ 26
525. appstore-symbols
List of symbols usable in an app description for the iOS App Store
✭ 39
527. aliases
Parse flag aliases in CLI help output
✭ 28
528. taskkill
Wrapper for the Windows `taskkill` command. Ends one or more tasks or processes.
✭ 36
529. meta
Meta discussions and unicorns. Not necessarily in that order.
✭ 107
530. website-popup
Open a website in a popup (macOS)
✭ 22
531. is-plain-obj
Check if a value is a plain object
532. mapcode-regex
Regular expression for matching mapcodes
✭ 17
533. rev-file
Get the revved file path of a file
✭ 31
534. .github
Much meta
✭ 76
535. atom-fixmyjs
[DEPRECATED] Automagically fix JSHint lint warnings
536. file-icon-cli
Get the icon of a file or app as a PNG image (macOS)
537. get-emails-cli
Get all emails in a text file or stdin
✭ 22
538. strip-outer
Strip a substring from the start/end of a string
✭ 20
539. gh-user
Get user info from a GitHub username
540. broccoli-uncss
Remove unused CSS with UnCSS
541. p-do-whilst
Calls a function repeatedly while a condition returns true and then resolves the promise
542. user-info
Node.js `os.userInfo()` ponyfill
543. path-is-absolute
Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
544. split-on-first
Split a string on the first occurrence of a given separator
545. split-at
Split a string at one or more indices
546. bin-version
Get the version of a binary in semver format
547. trim-newlines
Trim newlines from the start and/or end of a string
548. deep-strict-equal
Test for deep equality - Node.js `assert.deepStrictEqual()` algorithm as a standalone module
✭ 21
549. alpha-sort
Alphabetically sort an array of strings
501-550 of 690 user projects