15 open source projects by wuba

1. Wbblades
基于mach-o解析技术的包大小占比分析、无用类检测、无符号表时的日志符号化 (Based on mach-o technology, a simple and efficient code size detection, useless class detection and unsigned crash log detection )
✭ 243
2. Qa match
A simple effective ToolKit for short text matching
3. Dl inference
4. Picasso
5. Wpaxos
A production-grade java implementation of paxos consensus algorithm
6. Lpa Detector
Optimize and improve the Label propagation algorithm
✭ 75
7. Fair
A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically. Flutter Fair是为Flutter设计的,UI&模板动态化框架
✭ 458
8. taro-playground
The Taro Playground App is a cross-platform application developed using Taro, to help developers develop and debug Taro applications.
9. magpie fly
Magpie-fly is a component library produced by 58 Group, which encapsulates a variety of common components to meet the needs of developers
✭ 40
10. Zucker
An easier way to automatically calculate the size of AAR in apk based on APP module
11. wwto
✭ 96
12. json-model-validator
A flexible, lightweight JSON Data validator and formatter
13. magpie
Magpie is a visualized platform which designed to create, develop and compile your standalone flutter module.
14. magpie log
A visualized dynamic programming for log collection based on flutter.
15. mp-monitor
mp-monitor脱胎于58内部前端质量监控系统“北斗”。致力于为小程序异常采集和性能统计分析提供采集方案和统一的数据指标,适配多端小程序(微信,头条,支付宝,百度,QQ,360,JD)。 如果开发者想要在自己的项目中快速搭建小程序的异常采集和性能监控数据分析。mp-monitor将能帮助用户快速采集到相关的数据用于分析和监控。
1-15 of 15 user projects