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Top 17 autoencoders open source projects

Thio - a playground for real-time anomaly detection
🧶 Modular VAE disentanglement framework for python built with PyTorch Lightning ▸ Including metrics and datasets ▸ With strongly supervised, weakly supervised and unsupervised methods ▸ Easily configured and run with Hydra config ▸ Inspired by disentanglement_lib
Data and code related to the paper "ADAGE-Based Integration of Publicly Available Pseudomonas aeruginosa..." Jie Tan, et al · mSystems · 2016
CAE-ADMM: Implicit Bitrate Optimization via ADMM-Based Pruning in Compressive Autoencoders
autoencoder based image compression
Autoencoder based image compression: can the learning be quantization independent?
A tensorflow.keras generative neural network for de novo drug design, first-authored in Nature Machine Intelligence while working at AstraZeneca.
continuous Bernoulli
There are C language computer programs about the simulator, transformation, and test statistic of continuous Bernoulli distribution. More than that, the book contains continuous Binomial distribution and continuous Trinomial distribution.
Contractive Autoencoder in Pytorch
Pytorch implementation of contractive autoencoder on MNIST dataset
1-17 of 17 autoencoders projects