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Top 65 metric-learning open source projects

Angular Penalty Softmax Losses Pytorch
Angular penalty loss functions in Pytorch (ArcFace, SphereFace, Additive Margin, CosFace)
Metric Learning Divide And Conquer
Source code for the paper "Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Learning", CVPR 2019
Magnetloss Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of a deep metric learning technique called "Magnet Loss" from Facebook AI Research (FAIR) in ICLR 2016.
Pytorch Image Retrieval
A PyTorch framework for an image retrieval task including implementation of N-pair Loss (NIPS 2016) and Angular Loss (ICCV 2017).
Revisiting deep metric learning pytorch
(ICML 2020) This repo contains code for our paper "Revisiting Training Strategies and Generalization Performance in Deep Metric Learning" ( to facilitate consistent research in the field of Deep Metric Learning.
Deep metric learning
Deep metric learning methods implemented in Chainer
SegSort: Segmentation by Discriminative Sorting of Segments
Dml cross entropy
Code for the paper "A unifying mutual information view of metric learning: cross-entropy vs. pairwise losses" (ECCV 2020 - Spotlight)
The corresponding code from our paper "DeCLUTR: Deep Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Textual Representations". Do not hesitate to open an issue if you run into any trouble!
Negative Margin.few Shot
PyTorch implementation of “Negative Margin Matters: Understanding Margin in Few-shot Classification”
Polysemous Visual-Semantic Embedding for Cross-Modal Retrieval (CVPR 2019)
Global-Local Bidirectional Reasoning for Unsupervised Representation Learning of 3D Point Clouds (CVPR 2020)
Multi-View Graph Convolutional Network and Its Applications on Neuroimage Analysis for Parkinson's Disease (AMIA 2018)
Open Reid
Open source person re-identification library in python
Metric Learn
Metric learning algorithms in Python
Open Ucn
The first fully convolutional metric learning for geometric/semantic image correspondences.
Hcn Prototypeloss Pytorch
Hierarchical Co-occurrence Network with Prototype Loss for Few-shot Learning (PyTorch)
Prototypical Networks
Code for the NeurIPS 2017 Paper "Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning"
Additive Margin Softmax
This is the implementation of paper <Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification>
A simple yet effective loss function for face verification.
Survey of deep metric learning
A comprehensive survey of deep metric learning and related works
Hardnet descriptor model - "Working hard to know your neighbor's margins: Local descriptor learning loss"
Voxceleb trainer
In defence of metric learning for speaker recognition
Batch Dropblock Network
Official source code of "Batch DropBlock Network for Person Re-identification and Beyond" (ICCV 2019)
Pytorch Metric Learning
The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch.
Official pytorch Implementation of Relational Knowledge Distillation, CVPR 2019
Person reid baseline pytorch
Pytorch ReID: A tiny, friendly, strong pytorch implement of object re-identification baseline. Tutorial 👉
Official Tensorflow implementation of "Symmetrical Synthesis for Deep Metric Learning" (AAAI 2020)
🧶 Modular VAE disentanglement framework for python built with PyTorch Lightning ▸ Including metrics and datasets ▸ With strongly supervised, weakly supervised and unsupervised methods ▸ Easily configured and run with Hydra config ▸ Inspired by disentanglement_lib
Playground of Metric Learning with MNIST @pytorch. We provide ArcFace, CosFace, SphereFace, CircleLoss and visualization.
Heated Up Softmax Embedding
Project page for Heated-up Softmax Embedding
Universal Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Pixel-to-Segment Contrastive Learning
Retrieve recipes from foodie pictures using Deep Learning and Pytorch
scLearn:Learning for single cell assignment
Tensorflow implementation for paper: Learning to Compare: Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning.
Deep Metric and Hash Code Learning Network for Content Based Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images
Papers and Codes about Deep Metric Learning/Deep Embedding
This repository contains the code implementation used in the paper Temporally Coherent Embeddings for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning (TCE).
Code for Supervised Word Mover's Distance (SWMD)
(CVPR 2020) This repo contains code for "PADS: Policy-Adapted Sampling for Visual Similarity Learning", which proposes learnable triplet mining with Reinforcement Learning.
Generalized Product Quantization Network For Semi-supervised Image Retrieval - CVPR 2020
Context-Aware Visual Compatibility Prediction (
Source codes for "Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification" (CVPR 2020), "Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification with Unlabelled Examples" (WACV 2022), and "Beyond Simple Meta-Learning: Multi-Purpose Models for Multi-Domain, Active and Continual Few-Shot Learning" (Neural Networks 2022 - in submission)
Official PyTorch implementation of "Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning" (AAAI 2021)
1-60 of 65 metric-learning projects