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Top 18 neovim-configuration open source projects

Blazing fast, configurable, minimal and lispy neovim config written in Fennel and Rust. Base config for users to extend and add upon, leading to a more unique editing experience. (🚀)
A collection of dotfile scripts, plugins, and clever hacks so that you can become the master of your own OS! 🚀
🌕 A blazing fast and highly documented configuration to serve as a guide.
Completely theme responsive, lean, streamlined lua configuration for neovim (dotfiles). NeoCode aims to provide a fluent experience in nvim and vscode.
Neovim custom configuration, oriented for full stack developers (rails, ruby, php, html, css, SCSS, javascript)
Personal neovim configuration⚡ Fully configured for LaTeX, Python, Lua, C#, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Neovim version: v0.8.0
code runner.nvim
Neovim plugin.The best code runner you could have, it is like the one in vscode but with super powers, it manages projects like in intellij but without being slow
There are many neovim configurations, but this one is mine...
No description or website provided.
1-18 of 18 neovim-configuration projects