Top 32 nlg open source projects

Awesome Nlg
A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Generation (NLG)
A powerful dataset generator for Rasa NLU, inspired by Chatito
Awesome Pretrained Chinese Nlp Models
Awesome Pretrained Chinese NLP Models,高质量中文预训练模型集合
Nlg Yongzhuo
中文文本生成(NLG)之文本摘要(text summarization)工具包, 语料数据(corpus data), 抽取式摘要 Extractive text summary of Lead3、keyword、textrank、text teaser、word significance、LDA、LSI、NMF。(graph,feature,topic model,summarize tool or tookit)
AAAI-20 paper: Cross-Lingual Natural Language Generation via Pre-Training
✭ 95
Text Generation Papers
Paper collection of Neural Text Generation
Nlg Eval
Evaluation code for various unsupervised automated metrics for Natural Language Generation.
Chatbot cn
Tc Bot
User Simulation for Task-Completion Dialogues
Java API for Natural Language Generation. Originally developed by Ehud Reiter at the University of Aberdeen’s Department of Computing Science and co-founder of Arria NLG. This git repo is the official SimpleNLG version.
🎯🗯 Generate datasets for AI chatbots, NLP tasks, named entity recognition or text classification models using a simple DSL!
Practical Pytorch
Go to - this repo is deprecated and no longer maintained
Abstractive Summarization With Transfer Learning
Abstractive summarisation using Bert as encoder and Transformer Decoder
Accelerated Text
Accelerated Text is a no-code natural language generation platform. It will help you construct document plans which define how your data is converted to textual descriptions varying in wording and structure.
Kenlg Reading
Reading list for knowledge-enhanced text generation, with a survey
자소AI - KoGPT2를 이용한 자기소개서 도우미 프로젝트
Unsupervised Controllable Text Generation (Applied to text Formalization)
Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning (EMNLP 2021)
Model training, custom generative function and training for - A rap music lyrics generation project
Pen.el stands for Prompt Engineering in emacs. It facilitates the creation, discovery and usage of prompts to language models. Pen supports OpenAI, EleutherAI, Aleph-Alpha, HuggingFace and others. It's the engine for the LookingGlass imaginary web browser.
A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Generation (NLG)
EMNLP 2019: Generating Personalized Recipes from Historical User Preferences
This repository have scripts and Jupyter-notebooks to perform all the different steps involved in Transforming Delete, Retrieve, Generate Approach for Controlled Text Style Transfer
1-32 of 32 nlg projects