Top 19 openai open source projects

Gpt 2 Simple
Python package to easily retrain OpenAI's GPT-2 text-generating model on new texts
A free and open-source curation of prompts for OpenAI's GPT-3.
zsh codex
This is a ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's Codex AI in the command line.
OpenAI GPT-3 API wrapper for Go
GPT-2 Discord Bot and Steps to Train Something Like You
Allows you to use OpenAI Codex to fix errors in the command line.
clip playground
An ever-growing playground of notebooks showcasing CLIP's impressive zero-shot capabilities
Pen.el stands for Prompt Engineering in emacs. It facilitates the creation, discovery and usage of prompts to language models. Pen supports OpenAI, EleutherAI, Aleph-Alpha, HuggingFace and others. It's the engine for the LookingGlass imaginary web browser.
Value & Policy Iteration for the frozenlake environment of OpenAI
A list dedicated to products, demos and articles related to 🤖 OpenAI's Codex.
Contrastive Language-Image Forensic Search allows free text searching through videos using OpenAI's machine learning model CLIP
1-19 of 19 openai projects