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Top 15 nvidia-docker open source projects

Nvidia Docker
Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
Setting up a Jupyterhub Dockercontainer to spawn Jupyter Notebooks with GPU support (containing Tensorflow, Pytorch and Keras)
docker-ce docker-compose nvidia-docker2
脚本离线安装支持 NVIDIA GPU 的 Docker 套装
MATE Desktop container designed for Kubernetes supporting OpenGL GLX and Vulkan for NVIDIA GPUs with WebRTC and HTML5, providing an open source remote cloud graphics or game streaming platform. Spawns its own fully isolated X Server instead of using the host X server, therefore not requiring /tmp/.X11-unix host sockets or host configuration.
A shim driver allows in-docker nvidia-smi showing correct process list without modify anything
Handbrake GUI with Web browser and VNC access. Supports NVENC encoding
lc0docker: run lc0 chess client and lichess bot under Docker and Kubernetes
RESTful Web Service and C++ compilable version of YOLO written in C and CUDA for object detection.
No description or website provided.
1-15 of 15 nvidia-docker projects