Esnext介绍最新的 ECMAScript/JavaScript 规范,以及 TC39 的提案进度
EscayaAn blazing fast 100% spec compliant, incremental javascript parser written in Typescript
Proposal Smart PipelinesOld archived draft proposal for smart pipelines. Go to the new Hack-pipes proposal at js-choi/proposal-hack-pipes.
Test262Official ECMAScript Conformance Test Suite
CherowVery fast and lightweight, standards-compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability
Proposal Record TupleECMAScript proposal for the Record and Tuple value types. | Stage 2: it will change!
BuntisA 100% compliant, self-hosted typescript parser that emits an ESTree-compatible AST
Bigint Buffer💪🔢 bigint-buffer: Buffer Utilities for TC39 BigInt Proposal
MeriyahA 100% compliant, self-hosted javascript parser -
SeafoxA blazing fast 100% spec compliant, self-hosted javascript parser written in Typescript
Proposals✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
datasetThe automatic track tc39 proposals
proposal-hack-pipesOld specification for Hack pipes in JavaScript. Please go to the new specification.
proposal-function-helpersA withdrawn proposal for standardizing some useful, popular helper functions into JavaScript’s Function object.
talk.js🎙 A monthly meet up for all things JavaScript, Node.js, and the modern web