Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Asts WorkshopImproved productivity 💯 with the practical 🤓 use of the power 💪 of Abstract Syntax Trees 🌳 to lint ⚠️ and transform 🔀 your code
React Cnodejs.orgMaterial UI version of, the biggest Node.js Chinese community.
Eslint Plugin EmberAn ESlint plugin that provides set of rules for Ember Applications based on commonly known good practices.
KitReactQL starter kit (use the CLI)
RushstackMonorepo for tools developed by the Rush Stack community
CodestyleJavaScript and TypeScript Style Guide
Front End Guide📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
YarskDon't use this, use Create React App
Sharec📦 Store your configs in one place and share between projects without any pain
Wanna💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.
React Molinreact-molin是一个全新的基于webpack3、react15、react-router4、antd-mobile的前端架构实现方案(h5)
Vui💯 A personal Vue UI component library for Mobile
PoeticAutomatically install and maintain ESLint, Prettier, EditorConfig and Airbnb rules for JavaScript, TypeScript and React.
Eslint docs🇨🇳A translation of ESLint Documents, including configration and rules.
IcebergFront-End Boilerplate built with React + Babel + Webpack + SASS
Next Js Blog Boilerplate🚀 Nextjs Blog Boilerplate is starter code for your blog based on Next framework. ⚡️ Made with Nextjs, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS.
Open RestStandard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize
IgcommitGit pre-receive hook to check commits and code style
React Native BoilerplateA React Native boilerplate with Expo, Redux, React Navigation, Styled Components and some 💕 included.