DeepreplayDeep Replay - Generate visualizations as in my "Hyper-parameters in Action!" series!
KeyboardHook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux.
VkbottleHomogenic! Customizable asynchronous VK API framework
FibrousEasily mix asynchronous and synchronous programming styles in node.js.
PydesignpatternDesign Pattern that described by Python, This is the source code for the book of Everybody Know Design Patterns.
MetasyncAsynchronous Programming Library for JavaScript & Node.js
Jquery ConfirmA multipurpose plugin for alert, confirm & dialog, with extended features.
ClamscanA robust ClamAV virus scanning library supporting scanning files, directories, and streams with local sockets, local/remote TCP, and local clamscan/clamdscan binaries (with failover).
BachCompose your async functions with elegance.
UndoproUndoPro is a command-based undo system integrated into Unity's default system. This allows devs to use actions for their undo/redo operations without forcing the user into a new undo-workflow!
Object ObserverObject Observer functionality of JavaScript objects/arrays via native Proxy
GollbackGo asynchronous simple function utilities, for managing execution of closures and callbacks
DuixA State Manager focused on KISS and Pareto's Principle
ZcoilElegant access to data
TaskmanagerA simple、 light(only two file)、fast 、powerful 、easy to use 、easy to extend 、 Android Library To Manager your AsyncTask/Thread/CallBack Jobqueue ! 一个超级简单,易用,轻量级,快速的异步任务管理器,类似于AsyncTask,但是比AsyncTask更好用,更易控制,从此不再写Thread ! ^_^
Vk To TelegramUtility to forward posts from VK through callback API to telegram channel or chat
JsftpLight and complete FTP client implementation for Node.js
ContinuableC++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
ThunksA small and magical composer for all JavaScript asynchronous.
EventppEvent Dispatcher and callback list for C++
XxerA blind XXE injection callback handler. Uses HTTP and FTP to extract information. Originally written in Ruby by ONsec-Lab.
Replace In FileA simple utility to quickly replace contents in one or more files
Sysend.jsSend messages between open pages or tabs in same browser
LibimagequantPalette quantization library that powers pngquant and other PNG optimizers
EspuiA simple web user interface library for ESP32 and ESP8266
WatchmanA simple message queue callback center
InlineactivityresultReceive the activity result directly after the startActivityForResult with InlineActivityResult
KASocialLoginsThis is Social login library in which you can login through Facebook , LinkedIn and Google
call thunkTake the member function of the C++ class as the callback function of the C function
react-tabllistReact-based customizable style table or list components that support event and callback functions.
simplevkSimpleVK это PHP библиотека для быстрой разработки ботов для VK | vk api php class bot sdk library client framework longpoll callback streaming auth
cpsfy🚀 Tiny goodies for Continuation-Passing-Style functions, fully tested
epumpePump是一个基于I/O事件通知、非阻塞通信、多路复用、多线程等机制开发的事件驱动模型的 C 语言应用开发框架,利用该框架可以很容易地开发出高性能、大并发连接的服务器程序。
movie-trailer🎥 Fetch movie trailers: "Crash" ➔ http://path/to/trailer
ant-arduinoAn implementation of a ANT driver for Arduino, Mbed and ESP-IDF
async-chainableAn extension to Async adding better handling of mixed Series / Parallel tasks via object chaining
proposal-function-helpersA withdrawn proposal for standardizing some useful, popular helper functions into JavaScript’s Function object.
synapseNon-intrusive C++ signal programming library
SwiftObserverElegant Reactive Primitives for Clean Swift Architecture #NoRx