Top 7 voc open source projects

Simple Faster Rcnn Pytorch
A simplified implemention of Faster R-CNN that replicate performance from origin paper
SimpleAICV:pytorch training example on ImageNet(ILSVRC2012)/COCO2017/VOC2007+2012 datasets.Include ResNet/DarkNet/RetinaNet/FCOS/CenterNet/TTFNet/YOLOv3/YOLOv4/YOLOv5/YOLOX.
make-your-yolov5 dataset
💥Make your yolov5 dataset by using labelimg.I hope my work can help you make your yolov5 datasets more quickly.
Adafruit CCS811
Arduino driver for CCS811 digital gas sensor
Drawing App for Android written in Python, powered by BeeWare suite -
Template for starting a native Android app using Python and the BeeWare tools
1-7 of 7 voc projects