Top 115 darknet open source projects

OSINT Tool For Scraping Dark Websites
✭ 215
Computer Vision and Image Recognition algorithms for R users
Yolo person detect
person detect based on yolov3 with several Python scripts
🌲 Aimbot powered by real-time object detection with neural networks, GPU accelerated with Nvidia. Optimized for use with CS:GO.
Darknet face with landmark
Deepstream Yolo
NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 5.1 configuration for YOLO models
mean Average Precision - This code evaluates the performance of your neural net for object recognition.
Yolov4 Cloud Tutorial
This repository walks you through how to Build and Run YOLOv4 Object Detections with Darknet in the Cloud with Google Colab.
Darknet2ncnn converts the darknet model to the ncnn model
Openpose Darknet
Openpose implementation using darknet
An implementation of YOLO v2 for direct facial recognition within detection layer.
Yolo segmentation
image (semantic segmentation) instance segmentation by darknet or yolo
Pytorch Imagenet Cifar Coco Voc Training
Training examples and results for ImageNet(ILSVRC2012)/CIFAR100/COCO2017/VOC2007+VOC2012 datasets.Image Classification/Object Detection.Include ResNet/EfficientNet/VovNet/DarkNet/RegNet/RetinaNet/FCOS/CenterNet/YOLOv3.
Simple python wrapper for YOLO.
Convert darknet weights to caffemodel
Yolo3d Yolov4 Pytorch
YOLO3D: End-to-end real-time 3D Oriented Object Bounding Box Detection from LiDAR Point Cloud (ECCV 2018)
Yolo mark
GUI for marking bounded boxes of objects in images for training neural network Yolo v3 and v2
Easy Yolo
Yolo (Real time object detection) model training tutorial with deep learning neural networks
PyTorch implementations of recent Computer Vision tricks
Alpr Unconstrained
License Plate Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios
Yolo Custom Object Detector
Making custom object detector using Yolo (Java and Python)
An open source tool to quantify the world
Awesome I2p
A curated list of awesome I2P implementations, libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things. I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network. It is intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs.
Pytorch Onnx Tensorrt
A set of tool which would make your life easier with Tensorrt and Onnxruntime. This Repo is designed for YoloV3
Darknet ros
YOLO ROS: Real-Time Object Detection for ROS
darknetpy is a simple binding for darknet's yolo detector
Yolo 9000
YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger - Real-Time Object Detection. 9000 classes!
Convert Darknet model to Caffe's
Object Detection And Location Realsensed435
Use the Intel D435 real-sensing camera to realize target detection based on the Yolov3 framework under the Opencv DNN framework, and realize the 3D positioning of the Objection according to the depth information. Real-time display of the coordinates in the camera coordinate system.ADD--Using Yolov5 By TensorRT model,AGX-Xavier,RealTime Object Detection
YOLOv2 algorithm reimplementation with pytorch
Pytorch Caffe Darknet Convert
convert between pytorch, caffe prototxt/weights and darknet cfg/weights
Pytorch Yolo2
Convert into pytorch
Mobilenet Yolo
A caffe implementation of MobileNet-YOLO detection network
Label images and video for Computer Vision applications
MMdnn is a set of tools to help users inter-operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow, CNTK, PyTorch Onnx and CoreML.
Repository for Single Shot MultiBox Detector and its variants, implemented with pytorch, python3.
Bmw Yolov4 Training Automation
This repository allows you to get started with training a state-of-the-art Deep Learning model with little to no configuration needed! You provide your labeled dataset or label your dataset using our BMW-LabelTool-Lite and you can start the training right away and monitor it in many different ways like TensorBoard or a custom REST API and GUI. NoCode training with YOLOv4 and YOLOV3 has never been so easy.
Yolo3 4 Py
A Python wrapper on Darknet. Compatible with YOLO V3.
Yolo Tensorrt
Support Yolov5s,m,l,x .darknet -> tensorrt. Yolov4 Yolov3 use raw darknet *.weights and *.cfg fils. If the wrapper is useful to you,please Star it.
Node Yolo
Node bindings for YOLO/Darknet image recognition library
🔥 (yolov3 yolov4 yolov5 unet ...)A mini pytorch inference framework which inspired from darknet.
Freshonions Torscraper
Fresh Onions is an open source TOR spider / hidden service onion crawler hosted at zlal32teyptf4tvi.onion
Php Opencv Examples
Tutorial for computer vision and machine learning in PHP 7/8 by opencv (installation + examples + documentation)
1-60 of 115 darknet projects