Top 856 elm open source projects

351. Cotoami
Cotoami is a platform where people can weave a large network of wisdom from tiny ideas.
352. Guide.elm
My book introducing you to Elm!
353. Mobster
Pair and mob programming timer for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
354. Elm Decode Pipeline
⚠️MOVED ⚠️ to NoRedInk/elm-json-decode-pipeline as of Elm 0.19!
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355. Massivedecks
A comedy party game for PC, mobile & chromecast.
356. Navigation
Routing for SPAs, the Elm way
357. Flux Challenge
A frontend challenge to test UI architectures and solutions
358. Xonsh
🐚 Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell
361. Js Framework Benchmark
A comparison of the perfomance of a few popular javascript frameworks
362. Oklog
A distributed and coördination-free log management system
363. elm-effects
DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/core
364. peerdocs
Graduation project p2p collaborative editor
365. generator-elm-app
A generator for generating basic template of Elm app with routing.
366. elm-reference
An immutable approach to mutable references.
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367. node-elm-loader
No description, website, or topics provided.
368. elm-review-unused
Provides elm-review rules to detect unused elements in your Elm project
369. elm-intl
Bindings to JavaScript Internationalization API
370. keyboard
Nice handling for keyboard inputs in Elm
371. rocket-update
A simpler alternative to (!)
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372. elm-chart-builder
Easy to use and accessible charting library for Elm.
373. brunch-with-elm-bootstrap
Brunch skeleton for Elm apps using Babel for ES6, Sass for the stylesheets and Bootstrap 4.
374. step-sequencer
A step sequencer for programming drum beats, written in Elm. Published on Smashing Magazine.
375. elm-generate
Generate boilerplate code because Elm doesn't do code generation yet.
376. elm-verify
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377. elm-svg-editor
An SVG Editor in Elm, from DailyDrip
378. elm-webaudio
Elm library for accessing the Web Audio API
379. decgen
Elm decoder generator
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380. lambdaconf-2016-elm-workshop
No description, website, or topics provided.
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382. elm-dropdown
Example of a dropdown in elm
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383. html-parser
Parse HTML 5 in Elm
384. advent of code 2020
Contribute solutions to Advent of Code and be inspired by others
385. template-elm-chrome-extension
A template repository for building a chrome extension with webpack and elm.
386. website
Source for my personal website
387. elm-actor-model
Framework for component based development in Elm using the Actor Model
388. elm-taco-donut
A model for scaling Elm apps. (re-write of elm-taco)
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389. elm-array-exploration
New array implementation for Elm
390. elm-electron-starter
Build native cross-platform desktop apps in Elm
391. elm-browser
Smalltalk-like System Browser for Elm projects
392. elm-calendar-react-storybook
Simple demo of how ReactStoryBook can be used with an Elm App
393. elm-geojson
GeoJSON parser for Elm
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394. elm-audio
Basic tasks interface for HTML5 Audio object
397. antisocial
Whelp. Guess I need to write my own RSS Reader now...
398. candy-and-allowances
Candy and Allowances Code
399. flask-elm-starter-kit
Simple starter kit/boilerplate to get started with Flask, Elm and Brunch.
400. elambot
Slack bot in Elm running on AWS Lambda