GraknTypeDB: a strongly-typed database
MgmtNext generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management!
DeepgraphAnalyze Data with Pandas-based Networks. Documentation:
PkgnetR package for analyzing other R packages via graph representations of their dependencies
Erdosmodular and modern graph-theory algorithms framework in Java
AlgorithmsA collection of algorithms and data structures
D3graphtheory💥 Interactive and colorful 🎨 graph theory tutorials made using d3.js ⚡️
SnakeArtificial intelligence for the Snake game.
Graph 2d cnnCode and data for the paper 'Classifying Graphs as Images with Convolutional Neural Networks' (new title: 'Graph Classification with 2D Convolutional Neural Networks')
CgnnCrystal Graph Neural Networks
Cytoscape.jsGraph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
GraphGraph is a semantic database that is used to create data-driven applications.
Modal logicFinal Year Masters Project: modal logic solver tableaux
QuickqanavaC++14 network/graph visualization library / Qt node editor.
Lightgraphs.jlAn optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
AwspxA graph-based tool for visualizing effective access and resource relationships in AWS environments.
GraphGraph algorithms and data structures
Mathematics数学知识点滴积累 矩阵 数值优化 神经网络反向传播 图优化 概率论 随机过程 卡尔曼滤波 粒子滤波 数学函数拟合
PggraphblasHigh Performance Graph Processing with Postgres and GraphBLAS
Dash CytoscapeInteractive network visualization in Python and Dash, powered by Cytoscape.js
GraphikGraphik is a Backend as a Service implemented as an identity-aware document & graph database with support for gRPC and graphQL
CotoamiCotoami is a platform where people can weave a large network of wisdom from tiny ideas.
gimletGraph Inference on MoLEcular Topology
moleculeschemical graph theory library for JavaScript
Awesome-Math-Learning📜 Collection of the most awesome Math learning resources in the form of notes, videos and cheatsheets.
missingA utility library for Clojure of functions and macros that complement clojure.core
everystreetAn algorithm finding #everystreet route on Open Street Map (OSMnx)
Graph-TheoryA workshop about implementing graph theory with Neo4j
Graphs.jlAn optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
algo-on-graphsAlgorithms in Graph Theory written in Java, C++, and Python
LightGraphs.jlAn optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
grblasPython wrapper around GraphBLAS
EzResonAn efficient toolkit for chemical resonance analysis based on quantum chemistry calculations. It implements the quantitative theory of resonance by expansion of the wave function from a DFT/HF calculation in terms of those of the Lewis structures.
directed graphDart implementation of a directed graph. Provides algorithms for sorting vertices, retrieving a topological ordering or detecting cycles.
timecorrEstimate dynamic high-order correlations in multivariate timeseries data
graphi🌠 An interactive network analysis & visualization tool
Graph-AlgorithmsEverything you need to know about graph theory to ace a technical interview 🔥
kaliningraph🕸️ Graphs, finite fields and discrete dynamical systems in Kotlin
grimgrim brings property graphs to the Nim language. Look around you: everything is a graph!
d3-force-surfaceA multi-surface elastic collision force type for the d3-force simulation engine
typedbTypeDB: a strongly-typed database
adalancheActive Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer - who's really Domain Admin?
Differentia.jsNo longer being supported or maintained. A Graph Theory & Data Structure Library for JavaScript.
networkx-guideWe here are very big fans of NetworkX as a graph library and its comprehensive set of graph algorithms. For many though, working with NetworkX involves a steep learning curve. This guide is designed as an aid for beginners and experienced users to find specific tips and explore the world of complex networks.
mullyR package to create, modify and visualize graphs with multiple layers.
jgraphtMaster repository for the JGraphT project
jsgraphDeprecated: Use the @encapsule/arccore package that includes the graph library
OmniGraphDesktop application for creating graphs and algorithm visualisation
CausingCausing: CAUsal INterpretation using Graphs