Top 1067 Nix open source projects

551. memacs
Emacs configuration modified from spacemacs
552. cabal-extras
A tool suite to aid Haskell development using `cabal-install`
553. vanilla-lang
An implementation of a predicative polymorphic language with bidirectional type inference and algebraic data types
554. network
NixOps home network
✭ 60
556. webwallet-data
📦 Data repository for webwallet
558. random-fu
A suite of Haskell libraries for representing, manipulating, and sampling random variables
✭ 37
559. sorri
Just Add Water direnv support for the nix-shell
✭ 37
560. easy-dhall-nix
Derivations for easily downloading Dhall binaries and putting them to use.
561. healthchecks-rs
Simple Rust library to interact with
562. nixops-aws
No description, website, or topics provided.
563. ace-popup-menu
Replace GUI popup menu in Emacs with something more efficient
564. types-as-specifications
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 46
565. wai-routes
Typesafe URLs for Haskell Wai applications
567. nix-prefetch
Prefetch any fetcher function call, e.g. a package source
569. webauthn
Haskell implementation of the server-side verifier for Web Authentication API
570. propagator-examples
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 19
571. mathlib-tools
Development tools for
572. head.hackage
This is not the Git repo you're looking for...
574. kak-ansi
Kakoune support for rendering ANSI-colored text.
576. Xess
My minimal Gruvbox CSS file I've been keeping multiple places
578. eta-nix
Nix expressions to build Eta
✭ 17
579. dotfiles
No description, website, or topics provided.
580. btc-ocaml
A toy implementation of the bitcoin protocol in ocaml.
✭ 25
581. lispdocs.nvim examples and notes, instantly under your finger tips
582. neocode
Completely theme responsive, lean, streamlined lua configuration for neovim (dotfiles). NeoCode aims to provide a fluent experience in nvim and vscode.
583. tisch
Type-safe SQL interactions with PostgreSQL, based on Opaleye.
✭ 54
584. lambdapi
Educational implementation of dependent types
✭ 19
586. eva
a calculator REPL, similar to bc(1)
587. coq-big-o
A general yet easy-to-use formalization of Big O, Big Theta, and more based on seminormed vector spaces.
588. rofi-hoogle
Search Hoogle from Rofi
589. nixpack
nix+spack = nixpack (spanix?)
590. ghc-nix
Exploring the options for incremental Haskell builds using Nix
✭ 81
592. tree-sitter-proto
A tree-sitter grammar for protocol buffer files (proto3).
593. emacs2nix
Automatically generate Nix expressions for Emacs packages
596. baseDAO
BaseDAO - a generic smart contract framework for DAOs on Tezos
597. concurrent-machines
Concurrency features for the Haskell machines package
✭ 17
598. Haskell-Pipes-Safe-Library
Safety for the pipes ecosystem
✭ 24
599. sandwatch
Remember how long commands take, tell me if I have enough time to make a sandwich
✭ 23
600. usb
Communicate with USB devices