ApiAPI for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
Covid19radarOpen Source / i18n / iOS Android Cross Platform Contact Tracing App by exposure notification framework Xamarin App and Server Side Code
Covid 19 DataData on COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases, deaths, hospitalizations, tests • All countries • Updated daily by Our World in Data
covid-dashboardHelp welcomed if you have expertise in public health web technology, data modeling and munging, or visualization.
covidpassScan your vaccination, test and recovery certificates in QR code representation and save them to your Apple Wallet
shc-extractorExtract the JSON payload from SHC QR codes (i.e Québec Covid Vaccination QR Codes)
covid19twtbotA Twitter bot that automatically replies to tweets requesting COVID related resources with links containing information about the availability.
mexicovid19.github.ioRepositorio para la página web dedicada al monitoreo de la pandemia del COVID19 en México
BIMCV-COVID-19Valencia Region Image Bank (BIMCV) that combines data from the PadChest dataset with future datasets based on COVID-19 pathology to provide the open scientific community with data of clinical-scientific value that helps early detection of COVID-19
RPICovidScraperscraper for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)'s Covid Dashboard
covidTemporal variation in transmission during the COVID-19 outbreak
covidepidemicforcasting.org visualization repository
ProjectDominoScaling COVID public behavior change and anti-misinformation
covid-19-self-assessmentThe tool takes the public through a series of questions to inform those who are concerned they may have contracted COVID-19.
covid19-bdPublic API for accessing district-wise dataset and daily stats for Covid-19 in Bangladesh. Data is pulled from IEDCR reports
align covidCoronavirus time series aligned by number of cases, not date.
covid-19COVID-19 World is yet another Project to build a Dashboard like app to showcase the data related to the COVID-19(Corona Virus).
covidCOVID-19 cases around the world.
mesconseilscovidIsolement, tests, vaccins… tout savoir pour prendre soin de votre santé
ml api covidThis is the API Code for my tutorial article. It paints a picture for developing a machine learning Python API from start to finish and provides help in more difficult areas like the setup with AWS Lambda.
impf-bot💉🤖 Bot for the German "ImpfterminService - 116117"
us-covid19Data repository of State's Health Department stats for COVID19 in the United States
whatsapp-botWhatsApp Chatbot with many kinds of features. This bot is created for the purpose of providing some information and for fun purposes only
agenda-saudeSistema de agendamento de saúde, em uso para gerir filas de vacinação do COVID-19 e H1N1.
covid19-reactProgressive Web Application com React para mapear os dados do COVID-19 pelo mundo. 📊
rid-covidImage-based COVID-19 diagnosis. Links to software, data, and other resources.
appCovidTrace mobile app.
covid19Scale Workspace Response to COVID19
COVIDstatsCOVID-19 Statistical Analysis Simulator App using R deployed on shinyapps.io a John Hopkins University COVID count clone and simulator
cotect🛡Crowd-sourced COVID-19 reporting and assessment system.
CoronaVirusOutbreakAPIA tiny and small program to crawler and analyze outbreak of COVID-19 in world and every country using PHP.
Pandemic-Produce-Delivery-ProjectAn ongoing open-source e-commerce shop using React, Express, Firebase, and MongoDB. Designed for pandemic-relief and social good. New contributors are always, always, welcomed, regardless of where you are 🔥. Feel free to reach out at
[email protected]~
coviddataDaily COVID-19 statistics by country, region, and city
SPREADSpread visualizes how viruses and other pathogens are spreading in time and space. It creates compellable shareable, interactive and time-animated visualization.
covid19-italyQuick streamlit dashboard to visualise the impact of COVID-19 in Italy
covid-xprizeOpen-source repository containing examples and documentation for the Cognizant XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge
vaccipyAutomatische Impfterminbuchung für www.impfterminservice.de
Covid19arDataData COVID-19 Argentina actualizada y en formatos abiertos.
corona trackerCOVID-19 tracking app - submission for https://wirvsvirushackathon.org/
flatten-the-curveCOVID-19: By the numbers. Presenting country comparisons and adjustable cumulative graphs. Looking for another developer to keep this up to date
CoWin-Vaccine-NotifierAutomated Python Script to retrieve vaccine slots availability and get notified when a slot is available.
PhoNER COVID19COVID-19 Named Entity Recognition for Vietnamese (NAACL 2021)
covid-brCOVID dashboard status from Brazil.