Top 44 Objective-J open source projects

1. Proton
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
2. Cappuccino
Web Application Framework in JavaScript and Objective-J
3. NativeCore
React-Native and Next-React Core Web Application directory. A starting point for any web and app project.
5. cappuccinocasts-episodes
Source code for the examples used in the Cappuccino Casts episodes
6. RLOfflineDataStore
A simple Cappuccino wrapper for html5 offline data storage
7. Cappuccino.tmbundle
Textmate Bundle for Cappuccino / Objective-J
8. android dalvik
Android DalvikVM (cyanogenmod)
9. jass
vscode jass 插件
10. WazeWP7
Waze for Windows Phone 7
11. KPUIKit
KPUIKit is a Cappuccino framework that makes it easier to handle complex single window applications.
12. light-rest-4j
A RESTful framework built on top of light-4j with both Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 supports
13. CappuGeo
CoreLocation and MapKit for Cappuccino
14. MiscApps
Miscellaneous Apps and Tools from CoreCode
15. OJTest
The Cappuccino Test Framework
17. SCAuth
Framework for handling authentication on the frontend of your Cappuccino application.
18. EBR
Escape Builder Reloaded - a wc3 funmap
19. CKKit
Cappuccino code that I have created that others may find useful.
20. dalvik
this is a fork of android dalvik
22. cpwebsocket
WebSockets for Cappuccino
23. julia-plot
a plotting library for julia
24. computational-modelling
Code and website accompanying Farrell & Lewandowsky's (2017) book
25. EKSound
A port of NSSound for the Cappuccino framework
26. EKImageReflection
With EKImageReflection you can extend a regular CPImageView for displaying a reflection on it's bottom.
27. clj-r2rml
Clojure implementation of the W3C proposal R2RML: RDB to RDF mapping language
28. CappResourceExample
A simplified implementation of OS X's Address Book which demonstrates usage of CappuccinoResource
29. FileUpload
Cappuccino file upload button and sample application
30. iTunesTabView
An iTunes like tabs widget for Cappuccino
31. Cappuccino-X-Tornado
This is a demo application for bringing together the Cappuccino Framework and the Tornado Web server.
32. cappruby
A proof-of-concept Ruby implementation on top of JavaScript and the Objective-J runtime
33. WKTextView
A Cappuccino control providing a rich text editing view through a browser driven content editable field. Formerly named WyzihatKit.
35. Cappuccino-datepicker
A cappuccino implementation of NSDatePicker
36. LPKit-Examples
An Example app using Controls from LPKit
37. SCKit
Extensions to Cappuccino
39. ojunit
OJUnit - Original unit testing framework for Objective-J. Soon to be deprecated in favor of
40. jape
Jape, a configurable proof editor (best at natural deduction and sequent calculus)
41. hmsl
Hierarchical Music Specification Language, Forth tools for experimental music from the 1980's
42. h-war3
43. gtksourceview
Read-only mirror of
44. EKSpinner
EKSpinner is an extension for the Cappuccino framework to display 'loading-indicator-spinners' dynamically to any background color without having to create gif-animations.
1-44 of 44 Objective-J projects