Top 2826 Vim Script open source projects

201. roast.vim
An HTTP client for Vim, that can also be used as a REST client.
202. vim-openerp
No description or website provided.
204. vim-highlighter
Highlight words and expressions
205. searchtasks.vim
Plugin to search the labels often used as TODO, FIXME and XXX.
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Vim Script
206. vim-elixirls
Vim plugin that integrates elixir-ls with Vim through ALE
207. vim-signjk-motion
👞 j/k motion with Hit-A-Hint
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Vim Script
208. soEasyUbuntu
Some shell scripts and profiles for using Ubuntu easily
209. format.nvim
Neovim lua plugin to format the current buffer with external executables
211. nrpattern.nvim
Neovim plugin to expand incrementing/decrementing to more formats.
212. Codesnippets
web coding samples on my blog in one repository
214. lightline-powerful
Powerful settings for lightline.vim
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216. vimrc
My vim config
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Vim Script
218. vimsence
Discord Rich Presence plugin for Vim
219. bogster
A theme for Vim and NeoVim
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221. serverscripts
No description, website, or topics provided.
222. yaml-revealer
A vim plugin to easily navigate through Yaml files
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223. alpaca tags
Automated tag file generation for Vim
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224. enaml
Default Repo description from terraform module
225. vim-github-hub
A Vim filetype plugin for github/hub ⚡
226. vivi.vim
Support to setup Elixir development environment in Vim.
228. dots
Dot files for Arch environment with i3 window manager.
229. home-manager.nvim
A neovim plugin to help edit and maintain a nix home-manager configuration
230. monkey-vim
Aims to make a powerful and fast IDE.
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232. odin.vim
Vim syntax highlighting for Ginger Bill's programming language, Odin. Derived from jansedivy's jai.vim.
233. vim-dotenv
dotenv.vim: Basic support for .env and Procfile
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235. ampl-mode
Syntax highlighting mode for the AMPL modeling language
236. vim-textobj-underscore
Underscore text-object for Vim
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237. redismru.vim
MRU plugin build for speed with async IO operation
238. pylint.vim
A fork of Vim's pylint plugin
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239. whichpr
Find the pull request from commit hash.
240. fzf-folds.vim
Vim plugin that lets you fuzzy search for folds in a file
241. literate.vim
Vim plugin for the Literate programming tool
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243. vimrc
Best vimrc for CoolCeph team, used for C/C++, Python, PHP and Go.
244. night-and-day
vim theme scheduler
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245. place.vim
Enter pieces of text without moving
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246. vim-highlightedundo
Make the undo region apparent!
✭ 18
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248. thrift.vim
Syntax highlighting for thrift definition files.
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249. darkcourses
cli colours & configs
250. marvim
MARVIM - MAcro Repository for VIM "Give your most complex macros a name and store it for future recall and use"
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Vim Script
201-250 of 2826 Vim Script projects