All Projects → Evolutility Server Node → Similar Projects or Alternatives

4047 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Evolutility Server Node

Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
Stars: ✭ 1,765 (+2001.19%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api, orm, database
The simplicity of REST and the power of SQL combined in a database that automatized security and performance. Forget the database, develop faster and safer!
Stars: ✭ 31 (-63.1%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, sql, database
Android Orma
An ORM for Android with type-safety and painless smart migrations
Stars: ✭ 442 (+426.19%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, query-builder, database
Node Mysql Utilities
Query builder for node-mysql with introspection, etc.
Stars: ✭ 98 (+16.67%)
Mutual labels:  sql, metadata, database, crud
Flask Appbuilder
Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welcome) -
Stars: ✭ 3,603 (+4189.29%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, sql, crud
Ship Hold
data access framework for Postgresql on nodejs
Stars: ✭ 110 (+30.95%)
Mutual labels:  orm, query-builder, database, postgres
Ebean ORM
Stars: ✭ 1,172 (+1295.24%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database, postgres
Database CRUD Application Built on Electron | MySQL, Postgres, SQLite
Stars: ✭ 1,267 (+1408.33%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres, crud
A database-first code generator for any language
Stars: ✭ 415 (+394.05%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database, postgres
Converts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api
Stars: ✭ 825 (+882.14%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api, database
Advanced ORM between postgreSQL and Crystal
Stars: ✭ 220 (+161.9%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database, postgres
PostgreSQL ➕ REST, low-code, simplify and accelerate development, ⚡ instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new
Stars: ✭ 3,023 (+3498.81%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, database, postgres
🦑 Provides SQL tagged template strings and schema definition functions.
Stars: ✭ 57 (-32.14%)
Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, database, postgres
Php Sql Query Builder
An elegant lightweight and efficient SQL Query Builder with fluid interface SQL syntax supporting bindings and complicated query generation.
Stars: ✭ 313 (+272.62%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, crud
A set of tools which enhances ORMs written in Python with more features
Stars: ✭ 320 (+280.95%)
Mutual labels:  orm, database, postgres
Rest Hapi
🚀 A RESTful API generator for Node.js
Stars: ✭ 1,102 (+1211.9%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, crud
Fast and Reliable Golang Web Framework
Stars: ✭ 354 (+321.43%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
💎 Modern Database Access Layer for Golang - Testable, Extendable and Crafted Into a Clean and Elegant API
Stars: ✭ 317 (+277.38%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
Stars: ✭ 373 (+344.05%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
Openapi Generator
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Stars: ✭ 10,634 (+12559.52%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
jOOQ is the best way to write SQL in Java
Stars: ✭ 4,695 (+5489.29%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Make ORMs great again!
Stars: ✭ 474 (+464.29%)
Mutual labels:  rest, sql, orm
V8 Archive
Directus Database API — Wraps Custom SQL Databases with a REST/GraphQL API
Stars: ✭ 486 (+478.57%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, sql, database
The database toolkit for go
Stars: ✭ 524 (+523.81%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Rest Api Design Guide
NBB's REST-ish API Design Guide
Stars: ✭ 643 (+665.48%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
Golang ORM with focus on PostgreSQL features and performance
Stars: ✭ 4,918 (+5754.76%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Go Sqlbuilder
A flexible and powerful SQL string builder library plus a zero-config ORM.
Stars: ✭ 539 (+541.67%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
A Go SQL query builder and struct mapper.
Stars: ✭ 651 (+675%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Json Server Heroku
Deploy json-server to Heroku & Azure 🆙 🆓
Stars: ✭ 310 (+269.05%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
Ansible Role Postgresql
Ansible Role - PostgreSQL
Stars: ✭ 310 (+269.05%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
A simple SQL Query Builder
Stars: ✭ 305 (+263.1%)
Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, postgres
A simple & fluent Android ORM, how can it be easier ? RxJava2 compatible
Stars: ✭ 326 (+288.1%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Database wrapper and ORM for Crystal, inspired by Ecto
Stars: ✭ 325 (+286.9%)
Mutual labels:  orm, database, postgres
Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
Stars: ✭ 4,497 (+5253.57%)
Mutual labels:  orm, database, postgres
Jaguar, a server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensible. ORM, Session, Authentication & Authorization, OAuth
Stars: ✭ 286 (+240.48%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, orm
Sqlite orm
❤️ SQLite ORM light header only library for modern C++
Stars: ✭ 1,121 (+1234.52%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, crud
A type-safe, non-TH Haskell SQL library and ORM
Stars: ✭ 454 (+440.48%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, postgres
A demonstration of a completely stateless and RESTful token-based authorization system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Spring Security.
Stars: ✭ 482 (+473.81%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
Stars: ✭ 5,580 (+6542.86%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
Restful Api Design References
RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。
Stars: ✭ 4,830 (+5650%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
An open source SQL database designed to process time series data, faster
Stars: ✭ 7,544 (+8880.95%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
Ngx Restangular
Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
Stars: ✭ 787 (+836.9%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
RESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python、Typescript、Kotlin 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
Stars: ✭ 785 (+834.52%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
Stars: ✭ 7,712 (+9080.95%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
SQL for Humans™
Stars: ✭ 6,761 (+7948.81%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, postgres
Entity Framework Core provider for PostgreSQL
Stars: ✭ 838 (+897.62%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
Node Typescript Koa Rest
REST API boilerplate using NodeJS and KOA2, typescript. Logging and JWT as middlewares. TypeORM with class-validator, SQL CRUD. Docker included. Swagger docs, actions CI and valuable README
Stars: ✭ 739 (+779.76%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, sql, crud
萊納 - A MySQL wrapper which might be better than the ORMs and written in Golang
Stars: ✭ 19 (-77.38%)
Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, database
Pecee Pixie
Lightweight, easy-to-use querybuilder for PHP inspired by Laravel Eloquent - but with less overhead.
Stars: ✭ 19 (-77.38%)
Mutual labels:  models, query-builder, database
Go Kallax
Kallax is a PostgreSQL typesafe ORM for the Go language.
Stars: ✭ 853 (+915.48%)
Mutual labels:  orm, database, postgres
Nano Sql
Universal database layer for the client, server & mobile devices. It's like Lego for databases.
Stars: ✭ 717 (+753.57%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
Framework for building RESTful HATEOAS-driven applications.
Stars: ✭ 18 (-78.57%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
Node Pg Migrate
Node.js database migration management for Postgresql
Stars: ✭ 838 (+897.62%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
A neat codegen-based database wrapper written in Go
Stars: ✭ 68 (-19.05%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
SQL Query Builder for Go
Stars: ✭ 36 (-57.14%)
Mutual labels:  sql, query-builder, database
RESTful web services for FileMaker server.
Stars: ✭ 76 (-9.52%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
Generator Http Fake Backend
Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Stars: ✭ 49 (-41.67%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
GoRose(go orm), a mini database ORM for golang, which inspired by the famous php framwork laravle's eloquent. It will be friendly for php developer and python or ruby developer. Currently provides six major database drivers: mysql,sqlite3,postgres,oracle,mssql, Clickhouse.
Stars: ✭ 947 (+1027.38%)
Mutual labels:  sql, orm, database
SQL builder and query library for golang
Stars: ✭ 984 (+1071.43%)
Mutual labels:  sql, database, postgres
It is always Calm before a Tornado!
Stars: ✭ 50 (-40.48%)
Mutual labels:  rest-api, rest, restful-api
1-60 of 4047 similar projects