All Git Users → 2amigos

32 open source projects by 2amigos

1. Yii2 File Upload Widget
BlueImp File Upload Widget for Yii2
2. Yii2 Usuario
Highly customizable and extensible user management, authentication, and authorization Yii2 extension
3. Qrcode Library
Create QrCodes with ease
✭ 184
4. Yii2 Ckeditor Widget
CKEditor WYSIWYG widget for Yii2.
5. Yiiwheels
Widget extension library for the YiiStrap extension
✭ 137
6. Yii2 Date Picker Widget
Bootstrap DatePicker Widget for Yii2
7. Yii2 Google Maps Library
Google Maps API library for Yii2
8. Yii2 Chartjs Widget
ChartJs Widget For Yii2
9. Yii2 Tinymce Widget
TinyMCE WYSIWYG widget for Yii2
✭ 95
10. Yii2 Taggable Behavior
This extension allows you to get functional for tagging.
11. Mailer Library
Mailer library with queue capabilities.
✭ 50
12. Yii2 Leaflet Extension
Yii 2 Extension library to display interactive maps with Leaflet .
✭ 29
13. Yii2 Transliterator Helper
TransliteratorHelper transliterates UTF-8 encoded text to US-ASCII
✭ 24
14. Yiiwheels Custom
Yiiwheels custom library. Removes Yiistrap dependency and implements Yii2 based bootstrap library to be used on Yii1.
15. yiinitializr
Library that will help boost your application installation with ease and also to run Yii applications from its bootstrap files on a much cleaner way that the framework currently proposes.
✭ 45
16. yii2-multi-select-widget
Bootstrap MultiSelect and MultiSelect Listbox widgets for Yii2
17. yii2-editable-widget
X-Editable Widget for Yii2
19. yii2-resource-manager-component
Uploaded file management extension
✭ 36
20. yii2-flysystem-component
The League Flysystem Library for Yii Framework
21. embeddable-js-widget-template
How to create an embeddable JS widget
22. yii2-selectize-widget
Selectize From Brian Reavis Yii2 Widget
23. yiiaws
Amazon Web Services SDK PHP 2 Wrapper
✭ 21
24. yii2-translateable-behavior
Handles ActiveRecord's attribute translations
✭ 67
25. yiiwheels-docs
Demo site for yii-wheels
26. yii2-disqus-widget
DISQUS widget for Yii2
✭ 25
27. yii2-type-ahead-widget
Twitter Typeahead Bootstrap Widget
✭ 25
29. yiifoundation
Yii extension library for the ZURB Foundation Framework
30. yii2-config-kit
Configuration kit for Yii applications
1-32 of 32 user projects