RbacHierarchical Role-Based Access Control for Node.js
Yii2 UsuarioHighly customizable and extensible user management, authentication, and authorization Yii2 extension
Chi Authzchi-authz is an authorization middleware for Chi
Microservices Platform基于SpringBoot2.x、SpringCloud和SpringCloudAlibaba并采用前后端分离的企业级微服务多租户系统架构。并引入组件化的思想实现高内聚低耦合,项目代码简洁注释丰富上手容易,适合学习和企业中使用。真正实现了基于RBAC、jwt和oauth2的无状态统一权限认证的解决方案,面向互联网设计同时适合B端和C端用户,支持CI/CD多环境部署,并提供应用管理方便第三方系统接入;同时还集合各种微服务治理功能和监控功能。模块包括:企业级的认证系统、开发平台、应用监控、慢sql监控、统一日志、单点登录、Redis分布式高速缓存、配置中心、分布式任务调度、接口文档、代码生成等等。
Grbac👮 grbac is a fast, elegant and concise RBAC(role-based access control) framework
Morecomoreco 是一个能够为小、中、大型项目提供最合适架构的一条龙生态系统。满足项目从小型到中型至大型的衍变过程。从编码到监控至运维都满足、且各种功能都插件化,支持插件间的切换。支持Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Axon 无缝升级
Vue Admin PhpVue-cli3.0 + Element UI + ThinkPHP5.1 + RBAC权限 + 响应式的后台管理系统 https://lmxdawn.github.io/vue-admin
Caddy AuthzCaddy-authz is a middleware for Caddy that blocks or allows requests based on access control policies.
Yii2 CmsAn enterprise application based on yii2 basic template
Codo Admin基于Tornado实现,提供Restful风格的API,提供基于RBAC的完善权限管理,可对所有用户的操作进行审计
Django Vue Admin基于RBAC模型权限控制的中小型应用的基础开发平台,前后端分离,后端采用django+django-rest-framework,前端采用vue+ElementUI,移动端采用uniapp+uView(可发布h5和小程序).
Think AuthzAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in ThinkPHP 6.0 .
SpeedleSpeedle is an open source project for access control.
Negroni Authznegroni-authz is an authorization middleware for Negroni
Think Casbin专为ThinkPHP定制的Casbin的扩展包,Casbin是一个功能强大,高效的开源访问控制库。
LaratrustHandle roles and permissions in your Laravel application
Spring Backend BoilerplateThe modularized backend boilerplate based on Spring Boot Framework, easy to get started and add your business part.
F Adminf-admin是一套基于Laravel框架开发的基础权限后台系统
Gin AdminRBAC scaffolding based on Gin + Gorm 2.0 + Casbin + Wire
Rbac.devA collection of good practices and tools for Kubernetes RBAC
Node CasbinAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js and Browser
Casbin CppAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in C/C++
TotovalAn out-of-the-box artisan API web-framework written in go.
Gin Web由gin + gorm + jwt + casbin组合实现的RBAC权限管理脚手架Golang版, 搭建完成即可快速、高效投入业务开发
TeleportCertificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web apps, databases and desktops
Hapi RbacRBAC (Rule Based Access Control) for hapijs
JcasbinAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Java
Febs Cloud基于Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE、Spring Cloud OAuth2 & Spring Cloud Alibaba & Element 微服务权限系统,开箱即用。预览地址:https://cloud.mrbird.cn
Jwt To RbacJWT-to-RBAC lets you automatically generate RBAC resources based on JWT tokens
CasbinAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang
GorbacgoRBAC provides a lightweight role-based access control (RBAC) implementation in Golang.
Rpg BoilerplateRelay (React), Postgres, and Graphile (GraphQL): A Modern Frontend and API Boilerplate
DjaoappUser login, billing, access control as part of a session proxy
Kbframe 一款基于Laravel框架开发的现代化二次开发框架,是高性能,高效率,高质量的企业级开发框架,具有驱动领域,敏捷开发,轻易上手,高内聚低耦合,开箱即用等特点。
Jbonejbone基于Spring Cloud框架开发,旨在为中小企业提供稳定的微服务解决方案,为开发人员提供基础开发骨架,jbone包含微服务中所有常用组件,例如注册中心、服务管理、服务监控、JVM监控、内存分析、调用链跟踪、API网关等等。业务功能包括系统权限的统一管理、单点登录、CMS、电商平台、工作流平台、支付平台等等。
Pig🚀 The best rbac web framework. base on Spring Boot 2.4、 Spring Cloud 2020、 OAuth2 . Thx Give a star
Php CasbinAn authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in PHP .