All Git Users → antfu

47 open source projects by antfu

1. Wenyan Lang Vscode
文言 Wenyan Lang for VS Code
2. Vite Plugin Pwa
Zero-config PWA for Vite
3. Ni
💡 Use the right package manager
4. Vite Plugin Components
📲 On-demand components auto importing for Vite
5. Vscode Vite
One step faster for Vite in VS Code ⚡️
7. Vite Ssg
Server-side generation for Vite
✭ 126
8. 100
My 100-day project of exploring design, compform, and new things.
✭ 99
9. Esno
TypeScript/ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild
10. Purge Icons
🎐 Bundles icons on demand
11. Rex
📑 Transform texts with RegExp like a Pro.
✭ 72
12. V Dollar
jQuery-like Vue Reactivity API
13. Vitesse
🏕 Opinionated Vite Starter Template
✭ 1,023
14. Vite Fs
Reactive FileSystem for Vite accessible in client-side
✭ 31
15. Icones
⚡️ Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify
✭ 718
16. Iroiro
Beautiful Colors Lookup in CLI
17. Reactivue
🙊 Use Vue Composition API in React components
18. vscode-auto-npx
Auto resolving local Node.js binaries in VS Code terminal.
19. broz
A simple, frameless browser for screenshots
22. ts-starter
Starter template for TypeScript library
✭ 60
23. prism-theme-vars
A customizable Prism.js theme using CSS variables
25. vite-plugin-editor-nav
Auto-navigation to the page your are working in your editor for Vite
26. export-size
Analysis bundle cost for each export of a package
28. vite-plugin-package-config
Extend Vite config from your package.json `vite` field.
29. vite-plugin-inspect
Inspect the intermediate state of Vite plugins
30. antfu
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 34
32. live-draw
A tool allows you to draw on screen real-time.
33. birpc
Message-based two-way remote procedure call.
✭ 149
34. local-pkg
Get information on local packages.
35. taze
🥦 A modern cli tool that keeps your deps fresh
36. unconfig
A universal solution for loading configurations.
37. webext-bridge
Messaging in Web Extensions made super easy. Out of the box.
✭ 280
38. talks
Slides & code for my talks
39. fsxx
File system in zx style
40. cpwp
Chinese Programmer Wrong Pronunciation
42. unplugin-icons
🤹 Access thousands of icons as components on-demand universally.
43. utils
Collection of common JavaScript / TypeScript utils
44. vite-plugin-restart
Custom files/globs to restart Vite server
46. 1990-script
Make your GitHub history back to 1990
✭ 269
1-47 of 47 user projects