All Git Users → marmelab

51 open source projects by marmelab

1. Awesome Rest
A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance
✭ 2,922
2. Javascript Boilerplate
Node.js+Koa.js+PostgreSQL+React.js+Webpack+Mocha+Makefile, a starter kit for new apps
3. Sedy
A GitHub bot bringing the sed command to code reviews
✭ 245
4. Architecturetree
Draw and share your software architecture without diagramming software. Uses d3.js and Angular.js.
5. Microrest.php
A micro web application providing a REST API on top of any relational database, using Silex and Doctrine DBAL
✭ 190
6. Comfygure
Encrypted and versioned configuration store built with collaboration in mind
✭ 190
7. Graphql Schema From Json
Guess a GraphQL schema from json data
✭ 169
8. Tree.js
Tree.js is a JavaScript library to build and manipulate hookable trees.
✭ 139
9. Ng Admin Postgrest
Demo of an integration between ng-admin and PostgREST
10. Phpcr Browser
Web interface for browsing PHPCR repositories, using Silex and AngularJS
✭ 103
11. Json Graphql Server
Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds.
12. Sketch By Phone
A proof-of-concept of Augmented Reality with HTML5
13. Graphql Example
An example code structure for a GraphQL-powered mobile app. Contains client and server code.
14. Universal.css
The only CSS you will ever need
✭ 1,247
15. Make Docker Command
Seamlessly execute commands (composer, bower, compass) in isolation using docker and make.
16. Ngadmingeneratorbundle
Generate a client-side admin backend for Symfony2 applications, powered by ng-admin and LemonRestBundle
✭ 77
17. Gremlins.js
Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js
18. Eventdrops
A time based / event series interactive visualization using d3.js
19. React Md Motion
Material design motions with react
✭ 50
20. Sonataelasticabundle
Power the Sonata Admin list view and filters by an ElasticSearch index to speed up navigation.
✭ 43
21. Zerodollarhomepage
A decentralized ad server running on the blockchain
22. Aor Permissions
A component for Admin-on-rest allowing to switch views depending on user permissions. Eg: having different PostEdit components for different users
✭ 42
23. Restful.js
A pure JS client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources. Think Restangular without Angular.
24. Admin Config
Configuration API to describe an administration interface. Used by ng-admin and react-admin.
25. Docker Parallel Phpunit Demo
How to use Docker to run PHPUnit tests in parallel
✭ 12
26. Copostgresquery
Query builder for PostgreSQL in Node.js, built for async
27. Treedu
Graphical Disk Usage command for the terminal, using Node.js, d3.js, blessed, and Drawille
28. Gaudi
Gaudi allows to share multi-component applications, based on Docker, Go, and YAML.
✭ 575
29. Ng Admin React
Add a ReactJS admin GUI to any RESTful API. Deprecated: see admin-on-rest for a full rewrite
✭ 548
30. Ng Admin
Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
31. Admin On Rest
A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design.
32. Fakerest
Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
33. Admin On Rest Demo
Source of the admin-on-rest react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
34. Ng Admin Demo
Source of the ng-admin angular.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
35. React Admin
A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design
36. reversi-reason
🐪 ReasonML implementation of Reversi Game
37. gollabedit
Experimental collaborative editor written in Go
38. aor-dependent-input
A component for displaying input depending on other inputs values in Admin-on-rest
39. MobileInsight
A Mobile web app to browse PHP code analyses made by SensioLabsInsight, built with Angular.js and Ionic.
40. aor-realtime
No description, website, or topics provided.
41. timeline-react-admin
Support for a tutorial about custom List views with react-admin
42. ArcheoloGit
Where should you focus the maintenance efforts? ArcheoloGit is a visualization of age and dev activity for software, powered by d3.js.
43. react-admin-demo
Source of the react-admin react.js demo, using a dummy REST service powered by FakeRest
✭ 62
44. phpunit-d3-report
Visualize the slowest parts of a PHPUnit testsuite using d3.js
45. aor-rich-text-input
<RichTextInput> component for admin-on-rest, useful for editing HTML code in admin GUIs
46. uptime
A prototype of website monitoring tool, written in Go and React.js, modeled after fzaninotto/uptime
47. battery-friendly-timer
Mobile applications using setInterval to poll a server are a battery hogs. Save battery life by fetching data at the right moment.
48. ra-auth-acl
Access Control List authProvider and helpers for React Admin
49. argos-cli
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 19
50. koa-multifetch
A Koa.js middleware for performing internal batch requests
✭ 36
1-50 of 51 user projects