Vue Element Admin🎉 A magical vue admin
ClearminBootstrap 3 responsive dashboard / webapp / admin template
React Firebase AdminReact ⚛️ starter kit with Firebase 🔥 and Bulma for setting up an admin dashboard - Highly scalable, PWA, Serverless
Appy🚀 A full stack boilerplate web app
Angular AdminlteAngularjsApp Implementation of renowned Admin-LTE theme ( now with many useful directives and features.
Hubuntu UiMaterial Admin Dashboard Starter UI ( Ubuntu style ) -
FireadminApplication for Managing Firebase Applications. Includes support for multiple environments and data migrations
InkscopeinkScope is a ceph visualization and admin interface
MazerFree and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
CmsMultilingual PHP CMS built with Laravel and bootstrap
VolerThe first Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template
Notus ReactNotus React: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
Ember Cli AdminEmber-cli-admin is a powerful admin dashboard for ember-cli projects
StellarStellar is completely based on the latest version of Bootstrap 4. Stellar Admin is designed to reflect the simplicity and svelte of the components and UI elements and coded to perfection with well-organized code.
AppsmithLow code project to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 15+ databases and any API.
Jet DjangoJet Bridge (Django) for Jet Admin – Admin panel framework for your application
Ignition GoBootstrap4 /Codeigniter 3 Modular (HMVC) App Building Framework - to build enterprise class web applications... Versions: CodeIgniter 3.1.9 AdminLTE 3.4 Bootstrap 4.5.0
Admin TemplateTailwind CSS Starter Template - Admin Dashboard Template
Architectui Html Theme FreeArchitectUI Dashboard Free is lightweight and comes packed with the minimal set of components to get you started. If you have a simple application, it’s the perfect solution for you. It’s built on top of Bootstrap 4 and features a scalable architecture just like it’s wiser, older sibling – ArchitectUI HTML Pro theme.
Notus NextjsNotus NextJS: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
Blur AdminAngularJS Bootstrap Admin Panel Framework
LaravueAdmin dashboard for enterprise Laravel applications built by VueJS and Element UI
Notus SvelteNotus Svelte: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
Kube Ops ViewKubernetes Operational View - read-only system dashboard for multiple K8s clusters
Basix AdminGet Free and Premium Vue.js Bootstrap v4 Admin Dashboard Templates
Airframe NextFree Open Source High Quality Dashboard based on Bootstrap 4 & React 16 + Next.js:
Tabler ReactReact components and demo for the Tabler UI theme.
Laravel Coreui VueLaravel 5.6 with CoreUI (VueJS Full Starter Template) >>> Deprecated, please go to
TrestleA modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
Vue NotusVue Notus: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
AdminlteAdminLTE - Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4
Dva Boot Admin🍰 react admin dashboard ui LANIF-ADMIN --- react 16 + react-router 4 + dva 2 + antd 4 后台管理 脚手架
Vali AdminFree Bootstrap 4 admin/dashboard template