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Top 21 adafruit open source projects

Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.
Train plus plus
Repo and code of the IEEE UIC paper: Train++: An Incremental ML Model Training Algorithm to Create Self-Learning IoT Devices
A little utility to customise pixel fonts for the Adafruit GFX library
A curated list of awesome applications, macros, 3d printed cases, guides, and more for the Adafruit CircuitPython rp2040 Macropad.
A lot of Files of various Electronic Shit that I have collected over the years. Cheatsheet, Schematics, Pinouts, Pdf, and More... Enjoy it ;)
This repo contains all the necessary design and fabrication files for the Seeed Studio LoRa-E5 based Penguino Feather breakout board.
Kegerator Monitoring Platform. RPi + Docker + Beer + Metrics + Slack. k3s kubernetes friendly.
Node.js implementation for the Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver
Combining Camera Zero with an Arducam 12MP camera, a Raspberry Pi Zero WH, a PiMoRoNi trackball breakout, and an Adafruit 16-LED NeoPixel ring will result in a neat little screenless camera that can be controlled with your thumb.
Using MQTT to Publish/Subscribe to adafruit io. MicroPython/CircuitPython implementation on ESP8266/ESP32
A curated list of awesome Adafruit IO guides, videos, libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
Show smart home status information sent via MQTT using RGB LEDs.
1-21 of 21 adafruit projects