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Top 15 language-modeling open source projects

Data Collection System For NLP/Speech Recognition
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN, GRU, LSTM) and their Bidirectional versions (BiRNN, BiGRU, BiLSTM) for word & character level language modelling in Theano
An implementation of transformer-based language model for sentence rewriting tasks such as summarization, simplification, and grammatical error correction.
IndRNN pytorch
Independently Recurrent Neural Networks (IndRNN) implemented in pytorch.
Official code for Group-Transformer (Scale down Transformer by Grouping Features for a Lightweight Character-level Language Model, COLING-2020).
Tasks Assessing Protein Embeddings (TAPE), a set of five biologically relevant semi-supervised learning tasks spread across different domains of protein biology. (DEPRECATED)
1-15 of 15 language-modeling projects