RedaxscriptA modern, ultra lightweight and rocket fast Content Management System
HeidisqlA lightweight client for managing MariaDB, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite, written in Delphi
Space CloudOpen source Firebase + Heroku to develop, scale and secure serverless apps on Kubernetes
EnumdbRelational database brute force and post exploitation tool for MySQL and MSSQL
Sqlerwrite APIs using direct SQL queries with no hassle, let's rethink about SQL
TiberiusTDS 7.4 (mssql / Microsoft SQL Server) async driver for rust
Dapper.fsharpLightweight F# extension for StackOverflow Dapper with support for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL
LimesurveyLimesurvey is the number one open-source survey software.
Bitter.corebitter.core is a high-performance and easy-to-use netcore / netframework orm framework. I think you'll love it. designed for development and efficiency. efficiency, high performance and high stability are always the pursuit of programmers. bittercore was born for that. you want to be lazy, even lazier! simple, more simple! controllable, more controllable! please use it bitter.Core .
Sworma write-only ORM for Node.js
DirectusOpen-Source Data Platform 🐰 — Directus wraps any SQL database with a real-time GraphQL+REST API and an intuitive app for non-technical users.
Dbatools🚀 SQL Server automation and instance migrations have never been safer, faster or freer
NextDirectus is a real-time API and App dashboard for managing SQL database content. 🐰
SurveyprojectSurvey Project Webapplication - development, sources & releases
Mssqli DuetSQL injection script for MSSQL that extracts domain users from an Active Directory environment based on RID bruteforcing
Dbbench🏋️ dbbench is a simple database benchmarking tool which supports several databases and own scripts
Iobroker.sqlStore history data in SQL Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite
GoroseGoRose(go orm), a mini database ORM for golang, which inspired by the famous php framwork laravle's eloquent. It will be friendly for php developer and python or ruby developer. Currently provides six major database drivers: mysql,sqlite3,postgres,oracle,mssql, Clickhouse.
Experdb Db2pgeXperDB-DB2PG is a data migration solution that transfers data extracted from various DBMSs to eXperDB or PostgreSQL. Currently, Oracle and Oracle Spatial, MySQL, SQL Server(MS-SQL) and Sybase data can be transferred.
SqltabsRich SQL client for Postgresql, MySQL, MS SQL, Amazon Redshift, Google Firebase (Firestore)
XormSimple and Powerful ORM for Go, support mysql,postgres,tidb,sqlite3,mssql,oracle, Moved to
SequelizeAn easy-to-use and promise-based multi SQL dialects ORM tool for Node.js
K8cscanK8Cscan大型内网渗透自定义插件化扫描神器,包含信息收集、网络资产、漏洞扫描、密码爆破、漏洞利用,程序采用多线程批量扫描大型内网多个IP段C段主机,目前插件包含: C段旁注扫描、子域名扫描、Ftp密码爆破、Mysql密码爆破、Oracle密码爆破、MSSQL密码爆破、Windows/Linux系统密码爆破、存活主机扫描、端口扫描、Web信息探测、操作系统版本探测、Cisco思科设备扫描等,支持调用任意外部程序或脚本,支持Cobalt Strike联动
SqlinjectionwikiA wiki focusing on aggregating and documenting various SQL injection methods
PhpmyfaqphpMyFAQ - Open Source FAQ web application for PHP and MySQL, PostgreSQL and other databases
PointblankData validation and organization of metadata for data frames and database tables
MedooThe lightweight PHP database framework to accelerate the development.
Mssqlproxymssqlproxy is a toolkit aimed to perform lateral movement in restricted environments through a compromised Microsoft SQL Server via socket reuse
SqlboilerGenerate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
Sqlx🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL.
PgloaderMigrate to PostgreSQL in a single command!
SchemazenScript and create SQL Server objects quickly
PrismaNext-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite & MongoDB (Preview)
sqbExtensible, multi-dialect SQL query builder and Database connection framework for NodeJS
bigkubeMinikube for big data with Scala and Spark
space-cloudOpen source Firebase + Heroku to develop, scale and secure serverless apps on Kubernetes
YelpDatasetSQLWorking with the Yelp Dataset in Azure SQL and SQL Server
DWKitDWKit is a Business Process Management System based on .NET Core and React
DustyTablesThin F# API for SqlClient for easy data access to ms sql server with functional seasoning on top
SQLServerToolsИнструменты обслуживания и разработки для Microsoft SQL Server, а также другие интересности
databaseSimple and easy go database micro framework