Top 971 Gherkin open source projects

201. events
Hasgeek's legacy event database
202. capybara-ui
Roles and page objects for Capybara integration testing - Formerly called Dill
203. open-lmis
-PREVIOUS VERSION- OpenLMIS (Open Logistics Management Information System) version 2 core software for a shared, open source solution for managing medical commodity distribution in low- and middle-income countries. Technical forum:!forum/openlmis-dev.
205. Sinopac-Order-API
永豐金證券 Sinopac Securities 下單API for Python.
206. automate-home
Yet another python home automation (iot) project. Because a smart light is more than just on or off.
207. phpspec-data-provider-extension
This extension allows you to create data providers for examples in specs.
✭ 40
209. ng-apimock
Node plugin that provides the ability to use scenario based api mocking: for local development for protractor testing
210. unittestgenerator
A unit test generation extension for Visual Studio that aims to always produce code that compiles - covering the basic cases automatically and preparing as much as it can for the complex cases.
211. silverstripe-sharedraftcontent
Share draft page content with non-CMS users
212. rendezvous
OSS service for team collaboration.
214. xml-lint
A php tool to lint and validate xml files from the commandline.
216. frontend
The Money Advice Service's improved website.
217. dgu d7 Drupal 7 project
218. testing-python-apps
Testing Python Apps course repository
219. selenium-cucumber-java-maven-example
Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test scripts to test web applications.
220. stucumber
A Gherkin parser and Cucumber-like implementation for JavaScript
221. fast-live-reload
A live reload that works with all the possible browsers.
223. buildr-examples
🔧 🔩 examples for using buildr
226. Babitch
⛔️ DEPRECATED - Babitch is a project to record table soccer scores, archive them, and make them easily accessible for further analysis using a REST API.
227. CCDNUserSecurityBundle
Security for Symfony2 Authentication/Authorisation - Reduce potential for Brute Force Dictionary attacks by limiting login attempts.
228. api-components-bundle
Creates a flexible API for a website's structure, reusable components and common functionality.
229. wp-cli-favorite-plugins
A WP-CLI extension to list, install, and activate favorited plugins from
230. SyliusVendorPlugin
This is a Sylius Plugin that add vendors (brands) to your store. The vendors is an entity that sells products and are fully customizable by the admin.
231. traduttore
🗼 A WordPress plugin to improve the I18N workflow for your own projects based on @GlotPress.
232. language-command
Installs, activates, and manages language packs.
233. order-rest-backend
No description, website, or topics provided.
234. fabric-gm
fabric with GM crypto.Changed from
235. middleman-react
Ruby gem for automatically transforming JSX and using React in Middleman.
236. shell-command
Opens an interactive PHP console for running and testing PHP code.
237. kano-desktop
No description or website provided.
238. ULTRA pytorch
Unbiased Learning To Rank Algorithms (ULTRA)
239. oscript-app-template
Шаблон-заготовка для консольного приложения на OneScript
241. allure-codeception
Codeception framework adapter for Allure
242. CmsPlugin
Simple CMS on top of SymfonyCMF for Sylius applications.
243. phragile
DISCONTINUED: 📈 Sprint overviews and data visualizations for Phabricator projects
245. Building-Enterprise-JavaScript-Applications
Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications, published by Packt
246. parkedLife
Event sourcing demo purpose repository - service which offers a pretty simple way to locate & share where your vehicle (car, truck, ...) is parked.
247. readit
a simple api client for readability
248. manage-my-money-server-2-deprecated
A sample application to demonstrate best practices in Node.js, REST and object persistence.
249. azure-event-hubs-python
Python client library for Azure Event Hubs
250. BehatBundle
Bundle for common reusable sentance implementations & other common needs for Behat testing in eZ bundles/projects.
201-250 of 971 Gherkin projects