All Programming Languages → RobotFramework

Top 109 RobotFramework open source projects

1. Harbor
An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
6. plonetheme.bootstrap
No description, website, or topics provided.
7. netdevops
Hands-on with NetDevOps
8. robotframework-testrail
Publish Robot Framework results to TestRail
9. robotframework-httprequestlibrary
Robot Framework's library to test REST interfaces utilizing Apache HttpClient
10. testesrobotframework
Repositório para testes de aprendizado e exemplos com Robot Framework
12. openbmc-test-automation
No description, website, or topics provided.
13. selenium-grid-docker
Run UI tests: Selenium Grid, Docker Compose, Jenkins Pipeline
14. edk2-pytool-extensions
Extensions to the edk2 build system allowing for a more robust and plugin based build system and tool execution environment
16. WebDemo
Robot Framework web testing demo using SeleniumLibrary
17. robotframework-sudslibrary
Web service testing library for Robot Framework
18. IxNetwork
A central location for IxNetwork sample scripts and utilities. Please also visit
20. robotframework-CSVLibrary
Robot Framework keyword library for CSV files
25. automated-channel-testing
Roku Automated Channel Testing: Selenium-based WebDriver + Robot Framework + JS Framework + Samples
26. robotframework-simple-page-object-example
A simple example of page objects implemented as resource file for Robot Framework, converted from a Java test example
27. steps
No description, website, or topics provided.
30. robotframework-robocop
Tool for static code analysis of Robot Framework language
31. robotframework-faker
Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for faker
33. action-upload-robot
GitHub action to update a robot in Robocorp Cloud
34. MetaDeploy's managed package installer
35. LibreOsteo
Open Source software for osteopathes
36. massbitprotocol
No description, website, or topics provided.
37. CL-DevNet-2595
Cisco Live EUR 2019 - DevNet 2595 content
39. KubeLibrary
Kubernetes library for Robot Framework
40. netascode
This repo contains an example of the virtual network of a fictitious company which you can use to play and to learn network automation. Public repository for Network as Code. NaC model.
41. harbor-arm64
This repo is forked form goharbor/harbor. Modified to run on arm64.
43. DosDontsSlides
Robot Framework Dos and Don'ts
44. language-robot-framework
Robot Framework grammar for Atom Text Editor.
47. qweb
Keyword driven automation for the web
49. robotframework-angularjs
An AngularJS and Angular extension to Robotframework's SeleniumLibrary
50. texugo
🦡 Fast, flexible, multiplatform, lightweight and, dependency-free message gateway
1-50 of 109 RobotFramework projects