LexikmaintenancebundleThis Symfony2 bundle allows you to place your website in maintenance mode by calling two commands in your console. A page with status code 503 appears to users, it is possible to authorize certain ips addresses stored in your configuration.
RoutingRouting component building on the Symfony Routing component
ContractsA set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
SlugifyConverts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.
Symfony PackA series of questions to prepare for the Symfony certification
Unite CmsReally flexible headless CMS, built on top of Symfony and GraphQL.
FosrestbundleThis Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony
Doctrine BridgeProvides integration for Doctrine with various Symfony components.
HtmlpurifierbundleHTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP.
Options ResolverThe OptionsResolver component is array_replace() on steroids. It allows you to create an options system with required options, defaults, validation (type, value), normalization and more.
Enqueue Bundle[READ-ONLY] Message queue bundle for Symfony. RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, Redis, Service bus, Async events, RPC over MQ and a lot more
AssetThe Asset component manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files and image files.
Fmelfinderbundle📁 ElFinderBundle provides ElFinder integration with TinyMCE, CKEditor, Summernote editors
VictoireFullstack Symfony CMS: The perfect mix between a framework and a CMS
Phpdish🏠 PHPDish is a powerful forum system written in PHP. It is based on the Symfony PHP Framework.
Schedule BundleSchedule Cron jobs (commands/callbacks/bash scripts) within your Symfony application.
FoundryA model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine.
NotificatoTakes care of Apple push notifications (APNS) in your PHP projects.
Oauth2 BundleSymfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities.
CoreZikula Core Framework
Platform ApplicationOroPlatform - business application management system that is a backbone of the OroCRM and OroCommerce.
Browser KitThe BrowserKit component simulates the behavior of a web browser, allowing you to make requests, click on links and submit forms programmatically.
Symfony Docker🐳 The Symfony Docker Edition – featuring PHP 7, Docker and Docker Compose
Liiphellobundle[DEPRECATED] Alternative Hello World Bundle for Symfony2 using several FriendsOfSymfony Bundles
PantherA browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony
Expression LanguageThe ExpressionLanguage component provides an engine that can compile and evaluate expressions.
Rich Model Forms BundleProvides additional data mappers that ease the use of the Symfony Form component with rich models.
FormThe Form component allows you to easily create, process and reuse HTML forms.
InflectorInflector converts words between their singular and plural forms (English only).
AliceExpressive fixtures generator
StopwatchThe Stopwatch component provides a way to profile code.
Phpenums🔩 Provides enumerations for PHP & frameworks integrations
Mercure BundleThe MercureBundle allows to easily push updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in the Symfony full-stack framework, using the Mercure protocol.
Symfony1The official Git mirror for symfony 1.x
Aimeos SymfonySymfony e-commerce bundle for professional, ultra fast online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce
Property AccessThe PropertyAccess component provides function to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation.
Backbee Phpthe next generation CMS built on top of Symfony and Doctrine components. Give us a star to support our project :)
Book 5.0 1The Symfony 5 book source: The Fast Track
Polyfill Intl IcuThis component provides a collection of functions/classes using the symfony/intl package when the Intl extension is not installed.
IntlA PHP replacement layer for the C intl extension that also provides access to the localization data of the ICU library.