Top 714 HLSL open source projects

201. Rootex
An advanced C++ 3D game engine powering an in-production game yet to be announced
202. VRC-Cancerspace
Cancerous screenspace shader for VRChat. Please use responsibly. :^)
203. o3de-atom-sampleviewer
Atom sample viewer project for the Open 3D Engine
204. Vegetation-Studio-Speedtree
No description, website, or topics provided.
205. Monogame-MSDF-example
This is an example of how to use MSDF texture in Monogame.
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207. AnimationParticleSystem-Unity
No description, website, or topics provided.
208. ProjectNeon
No description, website, or topics provided.
209. UnityPostEffectsLibrary
No description, website, or topics provided.
210. UnityFurURP
Fur shader implementation for URP
211. LegendaryExplorer
Editor toolset for Mass Effect Trilogy and Mass Effect Legendary Edition
212. fastbirdEngine
Open source game engine
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213. SS6PlayerForUnity
OPTPiX SpriteStudio 6 Player for Unity
215. Remake-Unity
User interface for the application made with Unity
216. VoxelizerX12
DirectX 12 sample: real-time voxelization making use of tessellation for primitive processing and extrapolations, as well as depth peeling for solid voxelization.
218. InfinityBike
Welcome to the Infinity Bike repository. A simple and inexpensive indoors bike training video game with built-in sensors that allows the player to ride on a virtual track.
219. unity-stylized-water
A stylized water shader (and material presets) for Unity.
220. FracPlanet
Fractal planet script for Unity 5.
221. DSAnimStudio
Direct3D-Accelerated Dark Souls TAE Editor
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222. MRDesignLabs Unity Tools
This repository contains the tools leveraged for our Mixed Reality Design Lab examples in Unity.
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223. MRDL Unity LunarModule
This is a repostiory for the Lunar Module example HoloLens App
224. ARVolumeVFX
A VFX Graph playground in AR
225. ImAxes
Immersive visualisation tool for multidimensional data
226. Rayne
Multiplatform 3D game engine.
227. handholding-shader-ik
Allows two avatars to be holding hands, designed for dancing. A very simplistic IK system is reprogrammed within the shader code.
228. UnityMMO-Resource
use in project : UnityMMO
229. glTF-DXViewer
Sample to show import and DirectX rendering for glTF files
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230. UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project
UTS2-AC - UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project / v.2.0.4+ - Different vrchat support, lighting manipulation, and style.
231. Spherestroyer
[Unity Tiny] Spherestroyer- feedback about everything is welcome
232. shaderpatch
Improved shaders (and other fun stuff for modders) for Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)
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A small-scale cooperative game sample built on the new, Unity networking framework to teach developers about creating a similar multiplayer game.
234. BoolkaEngine
DX12 render engine
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235. Atmospheric-Scattering-URP
No description, website, or topics provided.
236. GameGuruRepo
The GameGuru Repository For Community Collaboration
237. Ray-Tracing-Gems-II
Source Code for "Ray Tracing Gems II: Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX" by Adam Marrs, Peter Shirley, and Ingo Wald
238. quickfracture
A real-time destruction effect for 3D meshes, written for Unity
239. UnityTMProFontCustomizedCreater
Unity TextMesh Pro 文本组件之字体图集生成工具
240. Unity3D-CameraOpticalFlow
GPU Optical Flow on camera (webcam, kinect, Black Magic...)
241. Unity-OpenVR-Shooter-Template
Easy to use Unity FPS VR Game Template. No Plug-in required
242. SeinJSUnityToolkit
Export unity scene to gltf, or import gltf to unity.
243. donut
No description, website, or topics provided.
244. Portalble
Augmented reality apps made hands-on interactive
245. unity shader st3
A sublime text plugin which aim at boosting happiness when editing Unity Shader, behaved as IDE-like, followed the lastest Unity release.
246. PostProcessing
Post Processing Stack
247. UnityVFX-GerstnerWave
Gerstner wave surface shader in Unity, a practice of ocean simulation.
248. Fire-2D-in-Unity
No description, website, or topics provided.
249. reed-framework
Basic framework for D3D11 init, model/texture loading, shader compilation and camera movement.
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250. AppExperiments
Experimental applications and home of AppModules, a wide-ranging app toolkit.