Top 28 Latte open source projects

1. Cmb2
CMB2 is a developer's toolkit for building metaboxes, custom fields, and forms for WordPress that will blow your mind.
2. forge
🔥 Incubator of pet projects, tools, pet projects. Edge cases and failovers included.
3. codeception
▶️ Integration of Nette Framework to Codeception.
5. Easy-Property-Listings
Easy Property Listings is ready to make your real estate website faster, safer and better!
6. menu-control
🍔 Menu and breadcrumb components for Nette framework (@nette)
7. ProxiTok
Open source alternative frontend for TikTok made using PHP
10. npress
nPress - an opensource cms on Nette framework
11. mailing
📬 Sending emails with pleasure and prepared templates.
13. AsyncControl
Trait for asynchronous control rendering
14. fileupload
🆙 File uploads on steroids for Nette Framework (@nette). Implements blueimp/jquery-file-upload.
15. osmcz
JS mapová appka pro (osmcz-app)
16. Translation
Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
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17. web-project
Standard Web Project: a simple skeleton application using the Nette
19. gettext-extractor
Extracts gettext phrases from PHP files and Nette Framework templates
20. nette-api
API solution for Nette framework with interactive generated console for each api
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21. intellij-latte
Latte plugin for IntelliJ IDEA platform
22. Eciovni
Component for generating invoices using Nette Framework and mPDF library.
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23. webapp-skeleton
🎁 Web application project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x.
24. power-bi-embedded
Use Power BI Embedded to embed dashboards, reports, report visuals, Q&A, and tiles in your WordPress website.
26. DependentSelectBox
DependentSelectBox control for Nette Framework
28. MangoPress
(WordPress + Nette)²
1-28 of 28 Latte projects