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Top 202 upload open source projects

can be found on Telegram as
Stream download and upload, not only for bilibili.
SJNetwork is a high level network request tool based on AFNetworking and inspired on YTKNetwork.
Telegram Upload
Upload and download files from Telegram up to 2GiB using your account
Android Upload Service
Easily upload files (Multipart/Binary/FTP out of the box) in the background with progress notification. Support for persistent upload requests, customizations and custom plugins.
Filestack Rails
Official Ruby on Rails plugin for Filestack File Picker that makes it easy to add powerful file uploading and transformation capabilities to any web or mobile application.
Ngx File Drop
Angular 11 file and folder drop library
Framework agnostic upload handler library
Vue Transmit
Vue.js drag & drop uploader based on Dropzone.js
Antd Img Crop
🔪 An image cropper for Ant Design Upload
Cakephp File Storage
Abstract file storage and upload plugin for CakePHP. Write to local disk, FTP, S3, Dropbox and more through a single interface. It's not just yet another uploader but a complete storage solution.
Vue Upload Component
Vue.js file upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory, Upload multiple files at the same time, html4 (IE 9), `PUT` method, Customize the filter
Ngx Material File Input
File input for Angular Material form-field
Uploadcare Widget
Uploadcare Widget, an ultimate tool for HTML5 file upload supporting multiple file upload, drag&drop, validation by file size/file extension/MIME file type, progress bar for file uploads, image preview.
Upload Release Action
Upload files to a GitHub release
An Application built for students to access Notes , Question Papers , Syllabus and Resources for all Subjects of O.U (Osmania University) 📘👨‍🎓
React Upload Box
A minimal Upload component for React.
Ax5ui Kernel
Javascript UI Framework - AX5UI - Kernel Module
Multer Gridfs Storage
🍃 GridFS storage engine for Multer to store uploaded files directly to MongoDb
Vue Ui For Pc
基于Vue2.x的一套PC端UI组件,包括了Carousel 跑马灯、Cascader 级联、Checkbox 多选框、Collapse 折叠面板、DatePicker 日期选择、Dialog 对话框、Form 表单、Input 输入框、InputNumber 数字输入框、Layer 弹窗层、Loading 加载、Menu 菜单、Page 分页、Progress 进度条、Radio 单选框、SelectDropDown 仿select、Switch 开关、Table 表格、Tabs 标签页、Textarea 文本框、Tooltip 文字提示、BackTop 返回顶部、steps 步骤条、Transfer 穿梭框、Tree 树形、Upload 文件上传、Lazy 图片懒加载、Loading 加载、Pagination 分页等等
D2 Crud Plus
Upload a video to a single YouTube channel with Laravel 5.
Upload video to bilibili under command-line interface
The file upload extension with insane intelligence for your Flarum forum.
Filestack React
Official React component for Filestack - API and content management system that makes it easy to add powerful file uploading and transformation capabilities to any web or mobile application.
Cos Wx Upload File
微信小程序上传文件到腾讯云v5;Wechat mini program upload file to tencent cos v5
React Files
A file input (dropzone) management component for React
⏫ web app for for easy file uploads via curl
Jquery Filepond
🔌 A handy FilePond wrapper for jQuery
Laravel Filemanager
Media gallery with CKEditor, TinyMCE and Summernote support. Built on Laravel file system.
Cakephp Proffer
An upload plugin for CakePHP 3
S3 Uploader
🍎 macOS Electron+React App for uploading files to S3 directly from Status Bar
Go Tus
A pure Go client for the tus resumable upload protocol
Laravel Filemanager Example 5.3
Demo integration for laravel-filemanager (
A modern Swift wrapper for Instagram Private API.
Bintray Publish
Super easy way to publish your Android and Java artifacts to bintray.
Vue Core Image Upload
a vue plugin for image to crop and upload
Angular File Uploader
Angular file uploader is an Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 + file uploader module with Real-Time Progress Bar, Responsive design, Angular Universal Compatibility, localization and multiple themes which includes Drag and Drop and much more.
如艺术一般优雅,像 1、2、3 一样简单,前后端通用,轻量却强大的 HTTP 客户端(同时支持 WebSocket 与 Stomp 协议)
Budgie Screenshot Applet
Take a screenshot of your desktop, a window or region; save to disk and upload. Made with ❤️️ for Budgie Desktop.
☁️ Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS demo. Built with Node/Express
Vaadin Upload
The Web Component for uploading multiple files with progress indication. Part of the Vaadin components.
Cross Platform HTTP Transfers for downloading and uploading (supports background operations)
Vue Filepond
🔌 A handy FilePond adapter component for Vue
Direct Upload
Composer Package to Direct Upload to S3
React Images Uploading
The simple images uploader applied Render Props pattern that allows you to fully control UI component and behaviors.
Uploadcare Php
PHP API client that handles uploads and further operations with files by wrapping Uploadcare Upload and REST APIs.
Ajax Upload Large File Support jQuery-File-Upload, FileApi, Plupload, Dropzone Support framework Laravel 5
Laravel Imageupload
Upload image using Laravel's build in function and resize it automatically.
Storage-agnostic streaming library for binary data transfers
Sy flutter qiniu storage
Tus Java Server
Library to receive tus v1.0.0 file uploads in a Java server environment
Laravel Simple Uploader
Simple file uploader for Laravel 5.
Simple cross platform plugin to upload files.
1-60 of 202 upload projects