Top 302 vue-components open source projects

💎 Rails gem with the power of Vue.js components
Vue Ui Framework
My personal collection of Vue UI framework
Mobile UI Components Library based on Vue 2.0 at Weidian
Vue Tabs
Simplified bootstrap tabs
Vue Signature Pad
🖋 Vue Signature Pad Component
Vue Glide
A slider and carousel as vue component on top of the Glide.js
👉 Responsive ecommerce template 🛒 built with Vue.js and Nuxt.js
Web designer
Vue Lazy Render
A vue component for lazy rending vue component
Vue Diagrams
Diagram component for vue.js, inspired by react-diagrams
V Bar
The virtual responsive crossbrowser scrollbar component for VueJS 2x
Amaze Vue
Vue Nestable
A simple drag & drop hierarchical list made as a vue component.
Vue Json Edit
Visual JSON editor built as an vue component. Provides a basic GUI
🎨 Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design
Todo Vue
Code for YouTube series on building a Todo App in Vue.js
Vue Gwt
Vue.js Components/Custom Elements in Java with GWT. Developed at
Vue Mobile Calendar
a vue component of calendar for mobile移动端vue日期选择组件
Vue Sticker
Vue component, that helps to make sticky effects
Vue Eva Icons
Is a pack of more than 480 beautiful open source Eva icons as Vue components
Vue Switches
An on/off switch component for Vue.js with theme support.
Vue Beauty
Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
Vue components for Leaflet maps
Eth Vue
Featured in Awesome Vue [], a curated list maintained by vuejs of awesome things related to the Vue.js framework, and Awesome List [], this Truffle Box provides everything you need to quickly build Ethereum dApps that have authentication features with vue, including configuration for easy deployment to the Ropsten Network. It's also Gravatar-enabled. Connecting to a running Ganache blockchain network from Truffle is also possible -- for fast development and testing purposes. Built on Truffle 5 and Vue 3, eth-vue uses vuex for state management, vuex-persist for local storage of app state, and vue-router for routing. Authentication functionalities are handled by Smart Contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Fundamental Vue
Vue.js components implementation of Fundamental Library Styles guidelines. The library is aiming to provide a Vue.js implementation of the components designed in Fundamental Library Styles.
Vue Styleguidist
Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
Vue Pivot Table
A vue component for pivot table
Vue Info Card
Simple and beautiful card component with an elegant spark line, for VueJS.
Vuejs Clipper
Vue.js image clipping components using Vue-Rx.
A toy that lets you write songs using Vue components.
Vue Literal Compiler
A Vue Compiler that allows you compile your string literals to render functions at build time and write components in SFC paradigm
Vue Ui For Pc
基于Vue2.x的一套PC端UI组件,包括了Carousel 跑马灯、Cascader 级联、Checkbox 多选框、Collapse 折叠面板、DatePicker 日期选择、Dialog 对话框、Form 表单、Input 输入框、InputNumber 数字输入框、Layer 弹窗层、Loading 加载、Menu 菜单、Page 分页、Progress 进度条、Radio 单选框、SelectDropDown 仿select、Switch 开关、Table 表格、Tabs 标签页、Textarea 文本框、Tooltip 文字提示、BackTop 返回顶部、steps 步骤条、Transfer 穿梭框、Tree 树形、Upload 文件上传、Lazy 图片懒加载、Loading 加载、Pagination 分页等等
Ms Design
Vue components that implement Microsoft Design Language
Vuejs Datatable
A Vue.js component for filterable and paginated tables.
Vue Fixed Header
Simple and cross-browser friendly fixed header component for Vue.js written by TypeScript.
Require Vuejs
RequireJS plugin to async and dynamic load and parse .vue components
Vue Shoppingcart
ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) 🛒 Application using Vuejs, + Node.js + Express + MongoDB 🚀🤘
Vue Canvas Nest
💫 A Vue.js background component for canvas-nest.
Balm Ui
♦️ A modular and customizable UI library based on Material Design and Vue
Laravel cities
Find any country/city in the world. Get Long/Lat etc. Deploy database localy. Optimized DB tree
Vue Markdown
A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue
Storefront Ui
Customization-first, performance-oriented and elegant UI framework for eCommerce (and not only) based on Vue.js and Google Retail UX Playbook. Made with 💚 by Vue Storefront team and contributors.
V Dialogs
A simple and clean instructional dialog plugin for Vue2, dialog type including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast
1-60 of 302 vue-components projects