Top 414 racket open source projects

301. polyglot
Create websites using any mix of programming languages or workflows 💎
302. farm
haproxy + stud made easy, ready
No description, website, or topics provided.
304. nextwind
305. modal-scheme
A Scheme-like CBPV language with Racket Interoperability
307. yow-2012
My talk for Yow! 2012
308. overscan
A live coding environment for live streaming video
309. FlowLog
No description, website, or topics provided.
310. racket-mock
Mocking library for Racket
311. ga144
Compiler, loader, and simulator for the GA144 multi-computer chip
312. z3.rkt
Racket bindings for Z3
✭ 17
313. moby-scheme
The Moby Scheme Compiler for Smartphones
316. petition-generator
Want to generate 1.3M signatures in 2 seconds? Here you go
317. racket-langserver
No description or website provided.
✭ 183
318. node-mavlink
Node.js module for encoding and decoding MAVLink messages
319. drracket-solarized
Solarized color theme for DrRacket
321. sugar
moved to
322. W
Adventure/Puzzle Game
✭ 24
324. shrubbery-rhombus-0
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 16
325. DigitalHumanities
Tutorial materials to teach Racket/Scribble to people without a math or CS background
326. LELA
Library for exact linear algebra, a C++ template-library based originally on LinBox intended for F4-like implementations
327. racket-alexis-collections
Deprecated. Use instead.
✭ 13
328. pasterack
The Racket pastebin.
329. NLP-project
11411 Natural Language Processing Final Project. Reads wikipedia articles, and then can both answer natural-language questions about the article as well as generate comprehension questions. Built using ARKref Noun Phrase Coreference developed by Brendan O'Connor and Michael Heilman, and NLTK (a common natural language toolkit for Python).
330. the experiment
A repository where anyone can contribute, and anything goes.
331. lingpipe
Clone version of LingPipe 4.1.0, with support for unsupervised training
332. little-schemer
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 13
333. nanopass-framework-racket
Racket port of the nanopass-framework
✭ 33
334. pyli
A Python 3 compiler that anyone can understand.
335. polyaoc-2020
solutions to advent of code 2020 puzzles in many languages
336. web-tutorial
How to write web applications with Racket
337. formica
A "functionally oriented" Racket dialect.
338. game-engine
Scratchpad for racket game stuff.
✭ 28
339. cooper
HyperCard-ish in Racket
✭ 40
340. rebellion
A collection of core libraries for Racket
341. racket-operational-transformation
Implements Operational Transformation (OT) for Racket.
342. type-expander
Type expanders (i.e. type-level functions) for Typed/Racket
343. racket-commonmark
Fast, CommonMark-compliant Markdown parser written in Racket
✭ 24
344. macrology
✭ 34
346. polyconf-2015
Resources from the Polyconf 2015 talk & relational interpreters workshop
347. web-server
No description or website provided.
✭ 80
348. gibbon
A compiler for functional programs on serialized data
349. racket-knn
K Nearest Neighbors, KNN, is a lazy, supervised machine learning algorithm. This is an implementation in scheme using racket.
✭ 14
350. cocos2dx-extensions
cocos2dx-extensions ui tool
301-350 of 414 racket projects