Top 18 scalaz open source projects

1. Each
A macro library that converts native imperative syntax to scalaz's monadic expressions
3. Shims
Seamless interop layer between cats and scalaz
4. Pulsar4s
Idiomatic, typesafe, and reactive Scala client for Apache Pulsar
5. Octopus
Scala library for boilerplate-free validation
6. Actors
Evaluation of API and performance of different actor libraries
8. Freasy Monad
Easy way to create Free Monad using Scala macros with first-class Intellij support.
9. Diesel
Boilerplate-free, zero-overhead Tagless Final / typed-final / Finally Tagless DSLs in Scala
11. Hands On Scalaz
Discover scalaz in a practical way
12. Scalaz Plugin
A compiler plugin that will improve on the scala compiler on the assumption that the user is using the Scalazzi-safe subset of Scala.
13. Httpz
purely functional http client with scalaz.Free
14. Delorean
Convert Task to Future, and Future to Task
16. Argonaut
Purely functional JSON parser and library in scala.
17. Scalaz And Cats
Usage examples and benchmarks between Scalaz and Cats (w/ Haskell ground-truth).
18. Scalaprops
property based testing library for Scala
1-18 of 18 scalaz projects