Top 1140 solidity open source projects

753. medrec
medical records on the blockchain
754. ehr-blockchain
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems. However, they still face some issues regarding the security of medical records, user ownership of data, data integrity etc. The solution to these issues could be the use of a novel technology, i.e., Blockchain. This technology offers to provide a secure, temper-proof pl…
758. NFTSet
NFTSets are NFTs which can hold your NFTs/collectibles (ERC721), your tokens (ERC20, ERC1155), ETH and act like a smart-wallet.
759. royalty-registry-solidity
No description, website, or topics provided.
760. sdk
A JavaScript SDK built ontop of PolkadotJS for interaction with Dock's Substrate node and compatible chains
761. Data-Export
762. hardhat-starter-kit
A repo for boilerplate code for testing, deploying, and shipping chainlink solidity code.
763. redemptions-app
Aragon app that enables redeeming organizations tokens for organization assets.
764. searcher-sponsored-tx
No description, website, or topics provided.
765. RingCTToken
Ethereum Token Implementing RingCT
766. dogethereum-contracts
Ethereum contracts for the Dogecoin <-> Ethereum bridge
767. conditional-tokens-contracts
Smart contracts for conditional tokens.
768. alice-v2-monorepo
Alice 2.0 protocol - the newest version of Alice that combines impact investments and outcome payments. Built using Impact Delivery Agreement smart contracts and a new token standard ('Fluid balance tokens'). Also comes with a reference dApp. Built on Ethereum.
769. optimal-sandwich
we do a little bit of mathematics to make a little bit of money
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770. limit-order
No description, website, or topics provided.
771. BrightID-SmartContract
Smart contract templates for publishing BrightID verifications on-chain and using those verifications
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772. crossverse
No description, website, or topics provided.
774. adventure-party
Helper contract for andrecronje/rarity
775. api3-contracts
Monorepo for contracts that facilitate API3 DAO functionality
777. eth-connector
A temporary repo for ETH connector to be used by EVM
779. ethrelay
Ethereum smart contracts that enable the verification of transactions of a "target" blockchain on a different "verifying" blockchain in a trustless and decentralized way
781. nft-collection-scaffold
Production-ready code for an NFT Collection sale and minting on Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum or Binance Smart Chain
782. Crowdfundings
Crowdfundings DApp example
783. tinlake
Smart contracts for Tinlake, the on-chain securitization protocol for real-world assets
784. dark-forest
[WIP] Rust implementation of the Dark Forest game client
785. solidity
No description, website, or topics provided.
786. dss-direct-deposit
No description, website, or topics provided.
788. contracts
This is the repo for PIG Token solidity contract. Website : Telegram : Binance Scan : Twitter :
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789. ton-dev-cli
Tondev CLI is the core SDK tool designed to facilitate the component installation, usage and update processes. In particular, it allows compiling smart contracts in Solidity and running them in the local node or TON testnet.
790. smart-contracts
No description, website, or topics provided.
791. SmartGridCoSimulation
Co-Simulation Framework for Smart Energy System Modelling and Analysis. Currently used and developed for MEMAP - a platform for energy system planning, optimisation and control.
792. aave-js
No description, website, or topics provided.
793. common-contract-deps
Base layer smart contracts that Giveth likes to use :-D
796. blockchain-carbon-accounting
This project implements blockchain applications for climate action and accounting, including emissions calculations, carbon trading, and validation of climate claims. It is part of the Linux Foundation's Hyperledger Climate Action and Accounting SIG.
797. binomialpool
No description, website, or topics provided.
798. tpl-contracts
Proof of concept for the contracts implementing TPL
799. Block-Farm
A farming game built upon Ethereum platform.
800. metis
Repository for Stone Age and Bronze Age of MetisDAO project
751-800 of 1140 solidity projects