Top 1140 solidity open source projects

201. Not So Smart Contracts
Examples of Solidity security issues
202. Ethlint
(Formerly Solium) Code quality & Security Linter for Solidity
204. Solidity Stringutils
Basic string utilities for Solidity
✭ 600
205. Ethlance
Ethlance is the first job market platform built entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. Free to use forever!
206. Solgraph
Visualize Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis. 💵 ⇆ 💵
207. Yam Protocol
A stablizing reserve currency protocol
✭ 592
208. Compound Protocol
The Compound On-Chain Protocol
✭ 589
209. Augur Core
Augur back-end (Ethereum contracts)
210. Ethjs
A highly optimised, light-weight JS utility for Ethereum.
212. Origin
Monorepo for our developer tools and decentralized marketplace application
213. Ethereum Api
Provable API for Ethereum smart contracts
✭ 562
214. Btcrelay
Ethereum contract for Bitcoin SPV: Live on
215. Solidity Patterns
A compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity
✭ 524
216. React Box
Truffle, Webpack and React boilerplate.
217. Ethereum.rb
Ethereum library for the Ruby language
218. Brownie
A Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
219. Baseline
The Baseline Protocol is an open source initiative that combines advances in cryptography, messaging, and blockchain to execute secure and private business processes at low cost via the public Ethereum Mainnet. The protocol will enable confidential and complex collaboration between enterprises without leaving any sensitive data on-chain
220. Aragonos
(Aragon 1) Reference implementation for aragonOS: a Solidity framework for building complex dApps and protocols
221. Defi Sdk
DeFi SDK Makes Money Lego Work
222. Eattheblocks
Source code for Eat The Blocks, a screencast for Ethereum Dapp Developers
224. Eth Crypto
Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity
225. Synthetix
Synthetix Solidity smart contracts
226. Webase
WeBank Blockchain Application Software Extension
227. Erc223 Token Standard
ERC223 token standard reference implementation.
✭ 398
228. Solidity Cheatsheet
Cheat sheet and best practices for solidity. Write smart contracts for Ethereum.
229. Buidl
A browser-based IDE for creating, deploying, and sharing blockchain apps (DApps, or decentralized apps). Publish your first blockchain DApps in 5 minutes! Here is how:
230. Vscode Solidity
Visual Studio Code language support extension for Solidity smart contracts in Ethereum
231. Money Legos
💰One stop shop for Ethereum ABIs, addresses, and Solidity interfaces!
232. Unlock
Ʉnlock is a protocol for memberships built on a blockchain.
233. Solhint
Solhint is an open source project created by Its goal is to provide a linting utility for Solidity code.
234. Ethereum Examples
Code examples showing how to use the Provable API on Ethereum
✭ 360
235. Ethereum voting dapp
Simple Ethereum Voting dapp using Truffle framework
237. Awesome Ethereum Security
A curated list of awesome Ethereum security references
238. Core
Decentralized Fog Computing Platform
239. Dappsys
Composable building blocks for Ethereum contracts
240. Security Oracle Smart Contracts
Smart Contracts for CertiK Security Oracle
✭ 332
241. Eth Gas Reporter
Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. A mocha reporter.
243. Soll
SOLL is a new compiler for generate Ewasm from solidity and yul. See a demo here:
An incentivized keeper network for anonymous keeper and job registration
✭ 307
249. Web3j
Lightweight Java and Android library for integration with Ethereum clients
250. Solidity Template
Combines Hardhat, TypeChain, Ethers, Waffle, Solhint and Solcover.
201-250 of 1140 solidity projects