FlubberFlubber is an elegant solution for making animations in Android. The library is developed and maintained by Appolica.
TinynurbsC++ library for NURBS curves and surfaces
CrescentoAdd curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts.
WotanAutomagically remove trends from time-series data
CurvejsMade curve a dancer in HTML5 canvas - 魔幻线条
Noble Bls12 381Fastest implementation of BLS12-381 in a scripting language. High-security, auditable, 0-dependency aggregated signatures / zk-snarks over pairing-friendly curve
Curve FitCurve-Fit is an Android library for drawing curves on Google Maps
JoeeccElliptic Curve Cryptography playground/toolkit written in pure Python
Moto.jsA light motion library with curvilinear support.
VerbOpen-source, cross-platform NURBS
HslcontrolsdemoHslControls控件库的使用demo,HslControls是一个工业物联网的控件库,基于C#开发,配套HslCommunication组件可以实现工业上位机软件的快速开发,支持常用的工业图形化控件,快速的集成界面开发。 主要包含了按钮,开关,进度条,信号灯,数码管,时钟,曲线显示控件,仪表盘控件,管道控件,瓶子控件,饼图控件,传送带控件,温度计控件,鼓风机控件,阀门控件,电池控件等等。
Nurbs PythonObject-oriented pure Python B-Spline and NURBS library
GlmapsData visualization examples and tutorials from scratch. 数据可视化示例代码集与新手学习教程。
StellarA fantastic Physical animation library for swift
Flutter-AnimFluent Flutter Animation library. Describe Sequences & Parallel animation's workflow, setup startDelay, duration and curve, then run !
re-gentA Distributed Clojure agent for running remote functions
PathsliderNumerical slider that follows a Bezier path
StockView股票相关控件(分时图、五日分时图、自选股迷你分时图、资金趋势图、盈亏额/盈亏率)- (曲线图、折线图)
BezierKitBezier curves and paths in Swift for building vector applications
ae-ease-to-gsap-customeaseConverts the keyframes of the selected property in After Effects to a set of SVG path commands that can be used directly in GreenSock's CustomEase plugin
discrete frechetCompute the Fréchet distance between two polygonal curves in Euclidean space.
libgoldilocksAn implementation of Mike Hamburg's Ed448 (Goldilocks) curve - derived from libdecaf. This is a mirror of https://bugs.otr.im/otrv4/libgoldilocks
frechetDiscrete Fréchet distance and of the minimum path required for traversing with it