Top 205 Standard ML open source projects

51. IsaHipster
Theory Exploration for Isabelle using HipSpec
54. bright-ml
A statically-typed programming language based on "F-ing modules"
55. cmsc330fall17public
cmsc330 Fall 2017 Public Repository
56. tortuga
An implementation of the Logo programming language in OCaml
DARPA's Cyber Assured Systems Engineering (CASE) project named Verification Evidence and Resilient Design in Anticipation of Cybersecurity Threats (VERDICT)
58. ppx let
Monadic let-bindings
60. hol-light
Patched version of HOL Light with tactic logging for machine learning purposes
61. segtrees
Several translations of segment trees for CMU's 15-451 (Algorithms).
62. ml-mukanren
microkanren in sml
64. sml-testing
Simple framework for testing Standard ML code.
66. MLPolyR
The MLPolyR programming language, revived
67. RustScript2
RustScript is a functional scripting language with as much relation to Rust as Javascript has to Java.
68. initool
Manipulate INI files from the command line
69. ocaml-openflow
Serialization library for OpenFlow
70. ocaml-esp32
Native compiler backend for esp32
71. ocaml-safe-string-buffer
A buffer implementation optimized for immutable strings.
72. PahoMQTT Library
Eclipse Paho MQTT Client for IIoT pilot implementations
73. bs-lwt
BuckleScript bindings for Lwt
75. FreeSpec
A framework for implementing and certifying impure computations in Coq
77. the-functional-approach-to-programming
Programs that are used in the Cousineau/Mauny books
78. LunarML
A Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript
79. featurehouse
language independent software composition and merging
80. informatica-public
Public code developed during my MSc study at University of Bologna
81. PVDasm
This is the Public Source Code to the PVDasm Disassembler
82. sml-streams
Streaming library for bulk memory operations with Standard ML in MLton
83. any-dl
any-dl: generic mediathek-downloader ("generic" means, you also can call it "scrapertool")
84. bs-Zarith
Support Bigint, Q (rational numbers) and Z (integer numbers) in BuckleScript.
85. loudia
Library for research in audio analysis, processing and synthesis
86. ocaml-esp32
No description, website, or topics provided.
89. socs
McGill socs repository
90. Isabelle-HoTT
An experimental implementation of homotopy type theory in the interactive proof assistant Isabelle
91. AD-Rosetta-Stone
Examples of Automatic Differentiation (AD) in many different languages and systems
92. ber-metaocaml
Unofficial git mirror of the BER MetaOCaml patchset.
93. distro
This repository contains supplemental files for the REMnux distro and the source files for the Debian packages that the distro installs from the REMnux package repository on Launchpad.
94. coffee
An API to the Moccamaster at the Abakus office
Scheme (R6RS subset) interpreter written in OCaml
96. ocaml-edn
EDN reader and writer for Ocaml
97. celf
No description, website, or topics provided.
98. munta
Fully verified model checker for realtime systems
99. pkcs11
OCaml bindings for the PKCS#11 cryptographic API
100. learning-programming-languages
👨🏻‍🎓 Playground for learning programming languages
51-100 of 205 Standard ML projects