Top 15915 swift open source projects

351. Fluid Interfaces
Natural gestures and animations inspired by Apple's WWDC18 talk "Designing Fluid Interfaces"
352. Example Package Playingcard
Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
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353. Http
🚀 Non-blocking, event-driven HTTP built on Swift NIO.
354. Measurearkit
An example of measuring app with ARKit in iOS 11
355. Linechart
A light-weight line chart for iOS. Swift 5.0, XCode 10.2
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356. Scalpel
A MacOS app with resign, dylib link injection/delete, ipa metadata edit.
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357. Jxtheme
A powerful and lightweight and customization theme/skin library for iOS 9+ in swift. 主题、换肤、暗黑模式
358. Pages
📖 A lightweight, paging view solution for SwiftUI
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359. Hypertextliteral
Generate HTML, XML, and other web content using Swift string literal interpolation
360. Ibeacon
iOS iBeacon Project in Swift Language
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Auto-generated documentation for Swift. Command-click no more.
362. Swiftx
Functional data types and functions for any project
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363. Collectionviewanimations
Sample project demonstrating how to expand / collapse collection view cells using custom animation blocks.
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364. Cent
Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes
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365. Facebookimagepicker
FacebookImagePicker is Facebook album photo picker written in Swift.
366. Gtmrefresh
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367. Menu Bar Search
Quickly search through menu options of the front-most application - Alfred Workflow
368. Pinterestlayout
Custom collection view layout inspired by Pinterest layout. Written in Swift.
369. Iosdebugdatabase
make it easy to debug databases in iOS applications iOS debug database
370. Expandedtabbar
ExpandedTabBar is a very creative designed solution for "more" items in UITabBarController. It's greate experience to have more comfortable and intuitive UI.
371. Develop Source
Open source for developer.(开发资源整理:Java,Android,算法,iOS,MacOS等等)
372. Mamori I Japan Ios
iOS App for Japanese Exposure Notification App to fight against COVID-19 a.k.a. "まもりあいJAPAN".
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373. Reactivetwittersearch
A ReactiveCocoa 4.0 MVVM example
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375. Infinitecollectionview
Infinite horizontal scrolling using UICollectionView.
376. Ios
Unofficial app for Swift Evolution
377. Dctt
xx头条【完整项目持续迭代中】(一款本地生活信息发布APP,分享新鲜事、找人找对象等生活服务)。已App Store上架,这里仅供学习交流
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378. Expandabletable
AZExpandable is a lightweight proxy for UITableView to expand cells.
379. Fusuma
Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
380. Twittertexteditor
A standalone, flexible API that provides a full-featured rich text editor for iOS applications.
381. Live
Demonstrates how to build a live broadcast app(Swift 3)
382. Guide To Swift Codable Sample Code
Xcode Playground Sample Code for the Flight School Guide to Swift Codable
383. Codablecsv
Read and write CSV files row-by-row or through Swift's Codable interface.
384. Ballcap Ios
Firebase Cloud Firestore support library for iOS. 🧢
385. Tweetbotalertview
Tweetbot 3 Alert View
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386. Fpscontrols
An experimental implementation of touch-friendly first-person shooter controls using SceneKit and Swift
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387. Ballswift
This sample app roughly recreates the physics of Ball King using UIDynamics, showcasing the new addition to the API introduced in iOS 9.
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388. Sdecollectionviewalbumtransition
CollectionView Controller Transition like open and close an album.
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390. Eztextspace
💬 Create walkthroughs and speech bubbles with human assistants
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391. Aksidemenu
Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift
393. Mapbox Arkit Ios
Utilities for combining Mapbox maps and location services with ARKit in your applications.
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394. Silt
An in-progress fast, dependently typed, functional programming language implemented in Swift.
395. Mkmagneticprogress
A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift
397. Beam
Beam: the open source Reddit client for iOS
398. Swiftfmt
Format Swift code
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399. Swinflate
A bunch of layouts providing light and seamless experiences in your Collection View
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400. Bearfree
iOS NetworkExtension ShadowSocket for iOS developer (swift 5) 支持系统小组件开关SS
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351-400 of 15915 swift projects