Top 15915 swift open source projects

302. Action Swiftlint
GitHub Action for SwiftLint
✭ 226
303. Music Player
Fully functional music player which is written in swift programming language
✭ 225
304. Polyline
Polyline encoder / decoder in swift
✭ 224
305. Materialcardview
Create material design cards quick and easy
✭ 225
306. Taskwarrior Pomodoro
Simple OSX tray application allowing you to use Pomodoro techniques with Taskwarrior
✭ 224
307. Swift Algorithms
Commonly used sequence and collection algorithms for Swift
308. Pokemon Go Controller
play pokemon go safely or at unavailable area
310. Pagingmenucontroller
Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
311. Listdiff
Swift port of IGListKit's IGListDiff
✭ 225
312. Awesomespotlightview
Awesome tool for create tutorial walkthrough or coach tour
314. Storagekit
Your Data Storage Troubleshooter 🛠
315. Flow
Flow is a Swift library for working with asynchronous flows and life cycles
316. Ratemyapp
RateMyApp is a Swift class to provide gentle reminders to app user to rate your app
✭ 224
317. Spritekit Spring
SpriteKit API reproducing UIView's spring animations with SKAction
✭ 224
318. Flourishui
A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library
✭ 224
319. Swift Style Guide
StyleShare에서 작성한 Swift 한국어 스타일 가이드
320. Realmincrementalstore
Realm-powered Core Data persistent store
✭ 224
321. Tutti
Tutti is a Swift library that lets you create tutorials, hints and onboarding experiences.
322. Swiftrater
A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app written in pure Swift.
✭ 223
324. Rhythm
Time-synced lyrics on iOS Lock Screen. Made for Apple Music.
✭ 224
325. Xcparse
Command line tool & Swift framework for parsing Xcode 11+ xcresult
326. Percentage
A percentage type for Swift
327. Insider
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) engine focused on covering the OWASP Top 10, to make source code analysis to find vulnerabilities right in the source code, focused on a agile and easy to implement software inside your DevOps pipeline. Support the following technologies: Java (Maven and Android), Kotlin (Android), Swift (iOS), .NET Full Framework, C#, and Javascript (Node.js).
328. Macos Key Cast
Log keys pressed on macOS. Useful for screen recordings and presentations.
✭ 224
329. Mac App
Official ProtonVPN macOS app
✭ 224
330. Tlanalogjoystick
Analog joystick component for iOS
331. Slidingcontainerviewcontroller
An android scrollable tab bar style container view controller
✭ 223
332. Gtprogressbar
Customisable progress bar written in Swift 4
✭ 223
333. Swift Essentials
A set of essential Swift stuff I use in every single iOS app.
334. Straw
Live iOS Notifications in the Simulator.
✭ 223
336. Breakouttorefresh
Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
337. Swiftedit
A proof-of-concept editor, written in Swift, that supports Swift syntax highlighting using SourceKit.
✭ 222
338. Jsonschema.swift
JSON Schema validator in Swift
✭ 222
339. Audioplayerswift
AudioPlayer is a simple class for playing audio in iOS, macOS and tvOS apps.
✭ 221
340. Swift Tools Support Core
Contains common infrastructural code for both SwiftPM and llbuild.
✭ 221
341. Awesometextfieldswift
Awesome TextField is a nice and simple libriary for iOS and Mac OSX. It's highly customisable and easy-to-use tool. Works perfectly for any registration or login forms in your app.
342. Browsertv
Turn your TV into a dashboard displaying any webpage!
✭ 221
344. Twitterlaunchanimation
The library with Twitter-like launch animation
345. Tiptoes
Simple navigation bar in the bottom, a beautiful discretion in your UI.
346. Fbsnapshotsviewer
A mac os application that shows the failing snapshot tests from FBSnapshotTestCase
348. Galwaybus
Galway Bus Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
349. Cocoaprogrammatichowtocollection
A collection of programmatic how-to code examples for each cases to write a Cocoa GUI (AppKit) app and some non GUI stuffs.
✭ 220
350. Swiftphotogallery
iOS photo gallery written in Swift
✭ 220
301-350 of 15915 swift projects