Rpcircularprogress(Swift) Circular progress UIView subclass with UIProgressView properties
StepindicatorStepIndicator is an iOS library that indicates steps in an animated way.
SrdownloadmanagerPowerful and easy-to-use file download manager based on NSURLSession. Provide download status, progress and completion callback block.
Progressmanager⏳ Listen the progress of downloading and uploading in Okhttp, compatible Retrofit and Glide (一行代码即可监听 App 中所有网络链接的上传以及下载进度, 包括 Glide 的图片加载进度).
Progressr三 R package: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
ProgressA PHP package to determine steps and progress.
Progress dialogA light weight library to easily manage a progress dialog with simple steps whenever you need to do it. You can easily show and hide it.
Telerik AcademyCourse exercises | Telerik Academy 2013/2014 | Martin Nikolov
Alive ProgressA new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, ETA, and very cool animations!
HgcircularsliderA custom reusable circular / progress slider control for iOS application.
SvprogresshudA clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
ApesuperhudA simple way to display a HUD with a message or progress information in your application.
Vue Ui For Pc基于Vue2.x的一套PC端UI组件,包括了Carousel 跑马灯、Cascader 级联、Checkbox 多选框、Collapse 折叠面板、DatePicker 日期选择、Dialog 对话框、Form 表单、Input 输入框、InputNumber 数字输入框、Layer 弹窗层、Loading 加载、Menu 菜单、Page 分页、Progress 进度条、Radio 单选框、SelectDropDown 仿select、Switch 开关、Table 表格、Tabs 标签页、Textarea 文本框、Tooltip 文字提示、BackTop 返回顶部、steps 步骤条、Transfer 穿梭框、Tree 树形、Upload 文件上传、Lazy 图片懒加载、Loading 加载、Pagination 分页等等
Vue WaitComplex Loader and Progress Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt Applications
Scrollprogress🛸 Light weight library to observe the viewport scroll position
RadialprogressbarRadial ProgressBar inspired by Apple Watch OS. It is highly Customisable
Swift project原OC项目用swift实现,纯swift项目,可作为学习swift的demo,包含多个自定义控件,并且进行封装网络请求库,结构清晰。
Progress基于Vue 2.x 的进度条,支持直线和环形(顺时针和逆时针)。Vue-based progress component, support line and circle(clockwise or couterclockwise).
JocircularsliderA highly customisable and reusable circular slider for iOS applications.
SwiftloaderA simple and beautiful activity indicator written in Swift
Terminal layoutThe project help you to quickly build layouts in terminal,cross-platform(一个跨平台的命令行ui布局工具)
DelayedprogressProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the ProgressDialog will be visible for a minimum amount of time to avoid "flashes" in the UI.
Fs extraExpanding opportunities standard library std::fs and std::io
Zwmusicdownloadview精仿唱吧App音乐下载进度按钮,完美快速集成使用(A beautiful musical download progress button which can show the progress and click to play Music after finishing)
EasystepindicatorMore attributes for a step indicator, indicates steps with a easy way
FunnyloaderLoading indicator for android with over 200 random messages
Listr2NodeJS Task List derived from the best! Create beautiful CLI interfaces via easy and logical to implement task lists that feel alive and interactive.
Node StatusNodejs stdout status and progress bar. Multi-item, various display types.
IprogresshudAn elegant, lightweight and responsive progress HUD for iOS app with very simple usage. Available 32 indicators by NVActivityIndicatorView.
Progress BarMultiplatform netstandard 2.0 C# console progress bar, with support for single or multithreaded progress updates.
ProgressProgress replacing ProgressDialog
UploaderA lightweight and very configurable jQuery plugin for file uploading using ajax(a sync); includes support for queues, progress tracking and drag and drop.