Top 2826 Vim Script open source projects

1001. gruvqueen
Port of famous gruvbox theme in lua(inspired by gruvbox-material)
1002. vim-compiler-python
Python specific settings (Alpha!)
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1003. mirodark
A Vim color scheme based on Jason W Ryan's miromiro Vim color file and dark terminal color scheme.
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1004. vim-textobj-function-syntax
heuristic syntax-based text-object for function
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1006. vim-manpager
Use Vim as a MANPAGER program
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1007. vim-phpcs
PHP Code Sniffer plugin for Vim
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1008. dotfiles
No description, website, or topics provided.
1009. flatui.vim
Vim colorscheme based on
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1010. dotfiles
My configuration files, bash utilities, etc
1013. cluster
A simple API for managing a network cluster with smart peer discovery.
1014. dotfiles
Centaur Dotfiles - Full and clean configurations for development environment on GNU Linux, macOS and Cygwin
1015. vim-environment
Steven Pritchard's Vim environment
1016. vim-spacebars
spacebars, mustache and handlebars mode for vim
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1017. vim-hoogle
Vim plugin used to query hoogle, the haskell search engine
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1018. vimux-golang
Run golang tests using vimux
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1019. vim-osc52
Copy text via OSC 52 from Vim.
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1021. vagrant-phpenv-phpbuild
Vagrant / Chef files for PHP Server(phpenv and phpbuild, nginx)
1022. vim-fontdetect
Helps Vim detect which fonts are installed on the system.
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1023. vim-mypy
Vim plugin for executing Python's optional static type checker MyPy (
1024. jab
~/jab extends ~/.bashrc, extensively
1025. env
Environment scripts and configuration files
1026. vimfiles
Codegram vimfiles
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1027. gocode
An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language
1028. vim-and-cp
Some helpful bits and pieces for your vimrc
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1029. vim config
🔰 好好编程的vim配置
1030. vim-replant
A bag of goodies for working with a Clojure REPL
1031. vim-rt-format
😎 Prettify Current Line on Enter !!
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1032. dotfiles
Bash, Git, Vim and other configuration files
1033. coq.thirdparty
Module lua sources for `coq.nvim`, first & third party
1034. vim-expand
Expand things like {foo,bar}, {1..10} and $HOME inline with a single command
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1035. dotfiles
Jack's dotfiles
1037. vim-fixkey
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1039. nginx-build
Nginx custom build by Hakase
1040. fern-hijack.vim
Make fern.vim as a default file explorer instead of Netrw
1041. vim-listchars
(Neo)vim plugin that allows to cycle through different listchars configurations
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1042. dotfiles
config files for vim,tmux,awesomewm for backup
1044. mf-dots
These are some of my ridiculously shit dotfiles that I use in my unproductive daily life.
1045. vim-niji
What happened to the original one?
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1046. rcodetools
No description, website, or topics provided.
1047. symfind
High performance and cross-platform code explorer, support vim integration
1048. steady vector
Array-like collections optimized for tail manipulation
1049. 150colors
Themes for (Mac)VIM
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Vim Script
1001-1050 of 2826 Vim Script projects