Top 1337 XSLT open source projects

101. DevOpsClassCodes
No description, website, or topics provided.
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102. XSharpPublic
Public repository for the source code for the XSharp Runtime, Project System and Tools. The source code to the compiler can be found in the repository
103. mongo-jee
JEE support (Servlet and JAX-RS) for MongoDB
104. csvprintf
Simple CSV file parser for the UNIX command line
105. searchgui
Highly adaptable common interface for proteomics search and de novo engines
106. web-xslt
XSLT and javascript code intended mostly for manipulating MathML and OpenMath.
107. jax-doclets
Set of JavaDoc doclets for modern Java annotations APIs
108. SpeedCodingZelda
Code from my speed coding Zelda videos
110. projectforge-webapp
ProjectForge is a web-based solution for project management including time tracking, team-calendar, financial administration, issue management, controlling and managing work-break-down-structures (e. g. together with JIRA as issue management system).
111. encoding-tools
Tools for working with or transforming MEI Encodings
112. treebank data
Perseus Treebank Data
113. nginx-rtmpt-proxy-module
Module for nginx to proxy rtmp using http protocol
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114. msgraph-metadata
Metadata captured and used for generating client library code files.
117. book
The Rust Programming Language
118. openlyrics
OpenLyrics official GIT repository
119. GenesisServer
120. StealthBot (pre-2.0) chat bot written in Visual Basic 6
121. BeyondRealityModPack
Mod pack for the beyond reality team
122. cmake-maven-project
Project to enable using CMake from a Maven build.
123. gnucash-docs
Documentation for GnuCash Accounting Program.
124. base
Horde Application Framework
126. jsbsim rl
reinforcement learning with jsbsim and open ai baselines
128. mvc-api
Jakarta MVC Specification
130. myo-for-max
Myo for Max - A max external for communication with the Myo Armband
131. Cheddar
Click's Hexagonal Domain Driven Architecture
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133. PerfCake
Lightweight and universal performance testing framework.
134. restlet-tutorial
Comprehensive Restlet tutorial
135. slaw
Slaw is a lightweight library for rendering and generating Akoma Ntoso acts from plain text and PDF documents.
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136. odata-vocabularies
OASIS OData TC: Standard vocabularies for annotating OData services
137. heisig
Remembering Simplified Hanzi Project
139. scas
Scala Algebra System
140. xslt-visualizer
Home for a grand experiment in software visualization for XSLT.
141. dita-ot-pdf-css-page
DITA Open Toolkit plugin to generate PDF output using CSS Paged Media.
142. TripleGeo
TripleGeo utility for converting geospatial data into triples
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143. spring-social-xing
Xing API binding and connect support
144. billpayevolutiondemo
Modular Architecture Refactoring Demonstration
146. DDR-2014
DDR 2014 AC theme for Stepmania 5
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147. slush-marklogic-node
Slush generator for a MarkLogic/node project
148. leaflet-solr-heatmap
A Leaflet plugin that visualizes heatmap facets from Solr
149. spring-net-social-dropbox
Dropbox API binding and connect support
150. workspace
This is the default Symphony workspace.