GnuradioGNU Radio – the Free and Open Software Radio Ecosystem
Libs GuiThe GNUstep gui library is a library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon Apple's Cocoa framework (which came from the OpenStep specification). *** Larger patches require copyright assignment to FSF. please file bugs here. ***
CatsImplementations of cat(1) from various sources. - Your Novels in Plain Text (Emacs . org-mode)
MininimThe Advanced Prince of Persia Engine (a childhood dream)
AlwslInstall archlinux as the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) host.
GforthGforth mirror on GitHub (original is on Savannah)
PsychosynthGNU Psychosynth is a a synthesizer and modular audio framework inspired by the ideas of the Reactable.
DecidimThe participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails
Linuxify🍏🐧 Transparently transform the macOS CLI into a fresh GNU/Linux CLI experience.
Libs BaseThe GNUstep Base Library is a library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects.
MazuccA minimalist C compiler with x86_64 code generation
Nord EmacsAn arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Emacs theme.
TexmacsSource Code of GNU TeXmacs, Developers Guide ==>
Ip2unixTurn IP sockets into Unix domain sockets
autoconfMirror of git://
libtoolMirror of git:// utility belt `Makefile` (and my memory belt in docs)
gnuxcGNU OS Cross-Compiler
catiCati Unix Package Manager
automakeMirror of git://
libs-opalOpal is a vector drawing library with an API similar to Quartz 2D built on top of Cairo.
DarksideExploring Dark-sides of the C language (GNU C99)
dotfiles[Mirror] Configuration files for Emacs and some other programs. Running on Arch Linux. Managed with GNU Stow.
guile-giBindings for GObject Introspection and libgirepository for Guile
open-heroesSome people that facilitate science, one way or the other
CombinedPrivacyBlockListsAd-blocking hosts files, IP block lists, PAC filters, and ABP / uBO subscriptions, all merged from multiple reputable sources, combined with my own research. Also, script-based utilities to help you create such things yourself. Updated at least once a week, often more frequently.
platypus-osOS for pentesting, programming, and playing video games. Contributions welcome!
CWP-UtilitiesCombined Windows Privacy Utilities | Hosts file updater, block list manager, and more. Open source tools for Windows users, to help ensure privacy & security. Block ads, spyware domains, and other malicious activity/traffic, all through a simple interface.
The-Learning-Documentation-ProjectThis documentation is about the new learning(s) and issue(s) resolvings on different aspects of academic, professional and personal thoughts. It includes(or/with links): Research topics(& resources), Programming(issues and code), Advanced Linux commands, Networking commands, bash script command utilization, Linux packages(& scripts), Machinine l…
hyperboleGNU Hyperbole: The Everyday, Hypertextual Information Manager
MeetixOSAn hobby OS written in modern C++20 which aims to be Unix-like. Currently based on EvangelionNG, a GhostOS derived kernel
KDynamicAn Alternative to MacOS Mojave Dynamic Theme and Wallpaper Changer