All Projects → Orange3 → Similar Projects or Alternatives

7417 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Orange3

Machine Learning With Python
Practice and tutorial-style notebooks covering wide variety of machine learning techniques
Stars: ✭ 2,197 (-30.3%)
General Assembly's 2015 Data Science course in Washington, DC
Stars: ✭ 1,516 (-51.9%)
Machine Learning Projects
This repository consists of all my Machine Learning Projects.
Stars: ✭ 135 (-95.72%)
Data Science Toolkit
Collection of stats, modeling, and data science tools in Python and R.
Stars: ✭ 169 (-94.64%)
Stats Maths With Python
General statistics, mathematical programming, and numerical/scientific computing scripts and notebooks in Python
Stars: ✭ 381 (-87.91%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, numpy, clustering, scipy
Automated Machine Learning [AutoML] with Python, scikit-learn, Keras, XGBoost, LightGBM, and CatBoost
Stars: ✭ 564 (-82.11%)
Data Science Ipython Notebooks
Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
Stars: ✭ 22,048 (+599.49%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, scipy
Open Machine Learning Course
Stars: ✭ 7,963 (+152.63%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, scipy
Study E-Book(ComputerVision DeepLearning MachineLearning Math NLP Python ReinforcementLearning)
Stars: ✭ 1,457 (-53.78%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, scipy
Machine Learning in R
Stars: ✭ 1,542 (-51.08%)
Data Science Projects With Python
A Case Study Approach to Successful Data Science Projects Using Python, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn
Stars: ✭ 198 (-93.72%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Uci Ml Api
Simple API for UCI Machine Learning Dataset Repository (search, download, analyze)
Stars: ✭ 190 (-93.97%)
Tiny ml
numpy 实现的 周志华《机器学习》书中的算法及其他一些传统机器学习算法
Stars: ✭ 129 (-95.91%)
Mutual labels:  classification, numpy, clustering, regression
Seaborn Tutorial
This repository is my attempt to help Data Science aspirants gain necessary Data Visualization skills required to progress in their career. It includes all the types of plot offered by Seaborn, applied on random datasets.
Stars: ✭ 114 (-96.38%)
Alink is the Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, developed by the PAI team of Alibaba computing platform.
Stars: ✭ 2,936 (-6.85%)
A collection of notebooks of my Machine Learning class written in python 3
Stars: ✭ 35 (-98.89%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Awesome Datascience
📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
Stars: ✭ 17,520 (+455.84%)
Data Science Complete Tutorial
For extensive instructor led learning
Stars: ✭ 1,027 (-67.42%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, scikit-learn, decision-trees, numpy
Practical Machine Learning With Python
Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
Stars: ✭ 1,868 (-40.74%)
Misc Statistics and Machine Learning codes in R
Stars: ✭ 33 (-98.95%)
Credit Risk Modelling
Credit Risk analysis by using Python and ML
Stars: ✭ 91 (-97.11%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, scipy
Python Cheat Sheet
Python Cheat Sheet NumPy, Matplotlib
Stars: ✭ 1,739 (-44.83%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Ai Learn
人工智能学习路线图,整理近200个实战案例与项目,免费提供配套教材,零基础入门,就业实战!包括:Python,数学,机器学习,数据分析,深度学习,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,PyTorch tensorflow machine-learning,deep-learning data-analysis data-mining mathematics data-science artificial-intelligence python tensorflow tensorflow2 caffe keras pytorch algorithm numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn nlp cv等热门领域
Stars: ✭ 4,387 (+39.18%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, data-mining, numpy
Data Science Hacks
Data Science Hacks consists of tips, tricks to help you become a better data scientist. Data science hacks are for all - beginner to advanced. Data science hacks consist of python, jupyter notebook, pandas hacks and so on.
Stars: ✭ 273 (-91.34%)
Amazing Feature Engineering
Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to extract features from raw data via data mining techniques. These features can be used to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. Feature engineering can be considered as applied machine learning itself.
Stars: ✭ 218 (-93.08%)
Model Describer
model-describer : Making machine learning interpretable to humans
Stars: ✭ 22 (-99.3%)
Artificial Neural Networks for Scala
Stars: ✭ 105 (-96.67%)
Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine
Stars: ✭ 5,412 (+71.7%)
D-Lab's 6 hour introduction to machine learning in Python. Learn how to perform classification, regression, clustering, and do model selection using scikit-learn and TPOT.
Stars: ✭ 46 (-98.54%)
Awesome Fraud Detection Papers
A curated list of data mining papers about fraud detection.
Stars: ✭ 843 (-73.26%)
The Deep Learning With Keras Workshop
An Interactive Approach to Understanding Deep Learning with Keras
Stars: ✭ 34 (-98.92%)
Pymc Example Project
Example PyMC3 project for performing Bayesian data analysis using a probabilistic programming approach to machine learning.
Stars: ✭ 90 (-97.14%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Php Ml
PHP-ML - Machine Learning library for PHP
Stars: ✭ 7,900 (+150.63%)
Ds and ml projects
Data Science & Machine Learning projects and tutorials in python from beginner to advanced level.
Stars: ✭ 56 (-98.22%)
A Lightweight Decision Tree Framework supporting regular algorithms: ID3, C4,5, CART, CHAID and Regression Trees; some advanced techniques: Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT, GBM), Random Forest and Adaboost w/categorical features support for Python
Stars: ✭ 176 (-94.42%)
Data Science For Marketing Analytics
Achieve your marketing goals with the data analytics power of Python
Stars: ✭ 127 (-95.97%)
Analyze Data with Pandas-based Networks. Documentation:
Stars: ✭ 232 (-92.64%)
A Julia machine learning framework
Stars: ✭ 982 (-68.85%)
Interactive machine learning
IPython widgets, interactive plots, interactive machine learning
Stars: ✭ 140 (-95.56%)
Algorithmic trading using machine learning.
Stars: ✭ 102 (-96.76%)
Mutual labels:  data-mining, scikit-learn, pandas, scipy
A Python 3 library making time series data mining tasks, utilizing matrix profile algorithms, accessible to everyone.
Stars: ✭ 141 (-95.53%)
All Algorithms implemented in R
Stars: ✭ 294 (-90.67%)
An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python
Stars: ✭ 4,594 (+45.75%)
introduction to ml with python
도서 "[개정판] 파이썬 라이브러리를 활용한 머신 러닝"의 주피터 노트북과 코드입니다.
Stars: ✭ 211 (-93.31%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, scikit-learn, pandas, scipy
Docker Alpine Python Machinelearning
Small Docker image with Python Machine Learning tools (~180MB)
Stars: ✭ 76 (-97.59%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, scipy
Parallel computing with task scheduling
Stars: ✭ 9,309 (+195.34%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, scipy
A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language.
Stars: ✭ 1,270 (-59.71%)
Explore high-dimensional datasets and how your algo handles specific regions.
Stars: ✭ 100 (-96.83%)
Simple Smart Pipe: python productivity-tool for rapid data manipulation
Stars: ✭ 96 (-96.95%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, numpy
A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
Stars: ✭ 1,857 (-41.09%)
Visualize and compare datasets, target values and associations, with one line of code.
Stars: ✭ 1,851 (-41.28%)
Data Science Notebook
📖 每一个伟大的思想和行动都有一个微不足道的开始
Stars: ✭ 196 (-93.78%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, numpy
Ml Email Clustering
Email clustering with machine learning
Stars: ✭ 116 (-96.32%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, scikit-learn, clustering
Cape Python
Collaborate on privacy-preserving policy for data science projects in Pandas and Apache Spark
Stars: ✭ 125 (-96.03%)
Mutual labels:  hacktoberfest, data-science, pandas
Dtale Desktop
Build a data visualization dashboard with simple snippets of python code
Stars: ✭ 128 (-95.94%)
Python class to scrape data from and return listings in a pandas DataFrame object
Stars: ✭ 125 (-96.03%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, pandas, data-mining
LAMA - automatic model creation framework
Stars: ✭ 196 (-93.78%)
Ml Cheatsheet
A constantly updated python machine learning cheatsheet
Stars: ✭ 136 (-95.69%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, numpy, scipy
Code, Notebooks and Examples from Practical Business Python
Stars: ✭ 1,724 (-45.3%)
Qlik Py Tools
Data Science algorithms for Qlik implemented as a Python Server Side Extension (SSE).
Stars: ✭ 135 (-95.72%)
Mutual labels:  data-science, scikit-learn, clustering
1-60 of 7417 similar projects