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Top 99 scipy open source projects

The Elements Of Statistical Learning Notebooks
Jupyter notebooks for summarizing and reproducing the textbook "The Elements of Statistical Learning" 2/E by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman
Ml Feynman Experience
A collection of analytics methods implemented with Python on Google Colab
Cheatsheets Ai
Essential Cheat Sheets for deep learning and machine learning researchers
Sparse dot topn
Python package to accelerate the sparse matrix multiplication and top-n similarity selection
A Python module for time-frequency analysis
Python toolkit for modeling and inversion in geophysics. DEPRECATED in favor of our newer libraries (see
pure-Python HistFactory implementation with tensors and autodiff
Combining Psi4 and Numpy for education and development.
Micropython Ulab
a numpy-like fast vector module for micropython, circuitpython, and their derivatives
Symbolic Fitting; fitting as it should be.
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Piecewise linear fit py
fit piecewise linear data for a specified number of line segments
Data Analysis
NumPy based Python module for reading TDMS files produced by LabView
Ml Cheatsheet
A constantly updated python machine learning cheatsheet
Optimization Python
General optimization (LP, MIP, QP, continuous and discrete optimization etc.) using Python
Study E-Book(ComputerVision DeepLearning MachineLearning Math NLP Python ReinforcementLearning)
Python Speech recognition
A simple example for use speech recognition baidu api with python.
A friend to fetch your data files.
Numba Scipy
numba_scipy extends Numba to make it aware of SciPy
A two-way connector to use regular Python from IronPython in Rhino/Grasshopper, and vice-versa.
Docker Alpine Python Machinelearning
Small Docker image with Python Machine Learning tools (~180MB)
Forward modeling, inversion, and processing gravity and magnetic data
Multiplatform scientific computing for Dart
Parallel computing with task scheduling
Ncar Python Tutorial
Numerical & Scientific Computing with Python Tutorial
Eulerian Remote Heartrate Detection
Remote heart rate detection through Eulerian magnification of face videos
A c++ header library for matrix operation inspired Numpy Scipy, MATLAB only using Eigen.
Lmfit Py
Non-Linear Least Squares Minimization, with flexible Parameter settings, based on scipy.optimize, and with many additional classes and methods for curve fitting.
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Py Findpeaks
Overview of the peaks dectection algorithms available in Python
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Python library for audio and music analysis
Data Science Ipython Notebooks
Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
Dsp Theory
Theory of digital signal processing (DSP): signals, filtration (IIR, FIR, CIC, MAF), transforms (FFT, DFT, Hilbert, Z-transform) etc.
🎚️ Open Source Audio Matching and Mastering
A workshop for scientific computing in Python. ( December 2017 )
Stats Maths With Python
General statistics, mathematical programming, and numerical/scientific computing scripts and notebooks in Python
Docker Django
A complete docker package for deploying django which is easy to understand and deploy anywhere.
Scipy Lecture Notes Zh Cn
中文版scipy-lecture-notes. 网站下线, 以离线HTML的形式继续更新, 见release.
Gcc termux
Gcc for termux with fortran scipy etc... Use apt for newest updates instructions in README.txt
Audio Spectrum Analyzer In Python
A series of Jupyter notebooks and python files which stream audio from a microphone using pyaudio, then processes it.
a SPICE-like electronic circuit simulator written in Python
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Processing and interpolating spatial data with a twist of machine learning
Wrappers for the SciPy differential equation solvers for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
GUI Blob Tracker
Python GUI Multiple Blob Tracker
JUN - python pandas, plotly, seaborn support & dataframes manipulation over erlang
sparse dot
Python wrapper for Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) matrix multiplication
Decodes VOR signal from WAV file to get the bearing to your position
I have been deeply interested in algorithmic trading and systematic trading algorithms. This Repository contains the code of what I have learnt on the way. It starts form some basic simple statistics and will lead up to complex machine learning algorithms.
1-60 of 99 scipy projects